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Theories 저자: Mind Map: Theories

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Constructivism

1.1.1. learning is a construction process- new ideas are built on the foundation of prior knowledge

1.1.2. learning is active

1.1.3. learners direct their own learning

1.1.4. emphasis on collaboration

1.1.5. authentic and challenging projects

1.2. Cognitive Load

1.2.1. the limits of working memory

1.2.2. Working memory can deal with seven items at once

1.2.3. working memory becomes overloaded when there is too much information to process

1.2.4. chunking, repetition, organization are all ways to prevent overload in working memory

1.3. Connectivism

1.3.1. a learning theory for the digital age

1.3.2. learning happens through connections created throughout diverse social networks

1.3.3. emphasizes knowing where to find information as being more important than knowing information

1.3.4. thinking and emotions influence each other and play a role in learning

1.3.5. learning occurs in many ways not just through a classroom lecture. ex: videos, blogs


2.1. stands for Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge

2.2. describes the types of knowledge a teacher needs to effectively teach in a learning environment that includes the use of technology

2.3. focuses on three areas: technology, content, pedagogy

2.4. main idea is about where these three areas intersect- teachers ability to use technology to teach the required content through an effective pedagogical strategy

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. a teachers personal philosophy regarding how they use technology as a teaching tool

3.2. Can be a written statement very similar to a philosophy of teaching

4. Technology Theories

4.1. Media ecology

4.1.1. the study of media environments

4.1.2. technology influences humans and society

4.1.3. technology plays a leading role in human affairs

4.1.4. looks at the interaction of media with human feeling, thought, value and behaviour

4.2. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)

4.2.1. believes that technology doesn't shape human action, human action shapes technology

4.2.2. how certain technology is used can't be understood without understanding how that technology is embedded in its social context