Copy of Define the Problem You find a wallet with money in the school grounds.

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Copy of Define the Problem You find a wallet with money in the school grounds. 저자: Mind Map: Copy of Define the Problem You find a wallet with money in the school grounds.

1. Explore the Alternatives Return the wallet to the person. Return the wallet to the office. Keep the wallet, keeping the cash and belongings inside. Leave it and don't do anything. Return the wallet to your teacher. Keep it in the lost and found.

1.1. Consider the Consequences The person would thank and appreciate you for returning their wallet. Your teachers and faculty will know that you are trustworthy and also appreciate you returning the wallet. You will get richer if you keep the wallet. But, your parents, principal, teachers, or even peers, might find out and get angry or upset with you. If you don't return the wallet when you see it, other people might take it. The person who takes it could either be good and return it or keep the money. If you return the wallet into the lost and found, you will be thanked for it, but only if the person whose wallet it is is able to get it before anyone else who is dishonest.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values 1.Don't steal. 2.Be honest. 3.Do the right thing, even if no one is looking. 4.Might ruin goals of being a good person and not getting in trouble. 5.Might ruin your academic record if your caught stealing or being dishonest. And people won't trust or believe you again. Decide and Act Return it to the person whose wallet has been lost: 1.Pick up the wallet and look inside for an ID card. 2.Once the person whose wallet it is has been decided you should go and look for the person. 3.Once you find the person go up to them and show them their wallet. 4.Ask them if they know whose wallet it is and make sure that it's theirs. 5.Give the wallet back to them and tell them where the lost it, if they were wondering. Evaluate the Results I am proud of my decision as the person who received their wallet again was very happy and thankful. This made me realised and showed me how one act of kindness could really benefit someone else. This made me feel as a better person and also people trusted me more and knew that they could count on me. I should my peers and others that doing one simple act of kindness is easy to do, and they can follow me by helping others too. I learnt that happiness is what really matters and is easy to achieve by doing the right thing.