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South Africa 저자: Mind Map: South Africa

1. The Bench

1.1. Rosa Parks (reference)

1.2. Post Apartheid

1.3. Statement

2. Power Play

2.1. Civil war

2.2. Rugby

3. How Life Got Better After Apartheid

3.1. Pros and cons

3.2. Article

4. Born Free

4.1. Shortfilm

4.1.1. The generation after Apartheid

4.1.2. Making a life on their own

5. Invictus

5.1. Poem

5.1.1. Uncounquerable

5.1.2. Victorian poem

5.2. Movie

5.2.1. Mandela

5.2.2. Apartheid

5.2.3. Rugby

6. The Guilt

6.1. Shortstory

6.2. Economic inequality

6.3. Racist Society

6.4. Post Apartheid

7. Poems from South Africa

7.1. Boasting

7.1.1. lack of humbleness

7.2. YES, Mandela

7.2.1. Praise to Mandela

7.3. Change is pain

7.3.1. change is diffucult