The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed - Bill Gross

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The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed - Bill Gross 저자: Mind Map: The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed - Bill Gross

1. Factors that really matter the most

1.1. Timing

1.1.1. 42% difference between success and failure

1.2. Team / Execution

1.2.1. 32% difference between success and failure

1.3. Idea

1.3.1. 28% difference between success and failure

1.4. Business Model

1.4.1. 24% difference between success and failure

1.5. Funding

1.5.1. 14% difference between success and failure

2. Conclusion

2.1. Best way to really assess timing is to look whether consumers are ready for what you have to offer to them

3. Be honest with yourself!

4. Startup Organizations

4.1. Unlock human potential

4.2. Achieve unbelievable things

4.3. But why do so many fail?

5. Mike Tyson

5.1. Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face

6. Factors that matter the most: First assumption

6.1. Idea

6.2. Team / Execution

6.3. Business Model

6.4. Funding

6.5. Timing

7. Reality Check

7.1. Bill gross looked at...

7.1.1. 100 IdeaLab companies

7.1.2. 100 Non-ideaLab companies

7.2. Checked each one for the 5 factors to see which factor had the biggest impact on success