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1. Blooms taxonomy in relation to IMPACT: a pedagogical flow that uses strategies to build foundational knowledge and comprehension. You can not get to knowledge until you activate information.

1.1. Blooms taxonomy: evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension, knowledge.

1.1.1. Evaluation: Assessing theories; comparison of ideas; evaluating outcomes; solving; judging; recommending; rating.

1.1.2. Synthesis: Using old concepts to create new ideas; Design an intervention; composing; imagining; inferring; modifying; predicting; combining.

1.1.3. Analysis: Identifying and analysing patterns; organisation of ideas; recognising trends.

1.1.4. Application: Using and applying knowledge; Using problem solving methods; Manipulating; Designing; Experimenting.

1.1.5. Comprehension: Understanding; translating; summarising; Demonstrating; Discussing.

1.1.6. Knowledge: Recall of information; Discover; Observation; Listing; Locating; Naming.

2. Week3

2.1. Choosing the right tool for a task and different ways we use technology

2.1.1. As a preservice teacher think about where the technology is, is it in the teachers hand or the students hand.

2.1.2. Children use different technology to curate information.

2.2. Content specific: Computer programs, games that present information incrementally with questions to be answered by the learner. Correct answers are rewarded. These programs don't teach conceptual understanding. Content specific tools are underpinned by the behaviourist understanding, view of learning.

2.2.1. On Professional experience look at how technology is being used in the classroom. Is it supplementing/ enriching/ Leveraging? What theory of learning underpins the technology we use?

2.3. Content free software: Software or environments that are blank/empty where students have to do something in it. Constructivist.

2.3.1. Epistemic Beliefs:

2.3.2. Dualistic: Right or Wrong Knowledge handed down by authority.

2.3.3. Multiplistic: multiple views but still believe that most knowledge is certain.

2.3.4. Relativistic: Most knowledge as tentative and contextual and generated by the self.

2.3.5. Relativism: That knowledge is uncertain and based on the weight of accumulated evidence.

2.4. Digital games - supplement, Enrich and Transform.

2.4.1. IMPACT:

2.4.2. I: Inspire, M: Model how to do an activity, P: Practice, A: Apply, C: Connect, T: Transform

3. Week 4: Assistive technologies

3.1. Assistive technologies: focus on students who have specific learning needs

3.1.1. Reasonable adjustments for students: Signing instead of speaking, computer simulation instead of lab work, additional time to complete task, assistance with the interpretation and comprehension of assessment items not designed to assess those with language skills.

3.2. Students may have difficulty learning because of: the font, time pressure, not worded correctly, spelling mistakes. This results in the student finding it hard to concentrate and maybe giving up on the task.

3.2.1. Areas of assistive technology, access technologies to enable students to engage with the curriculum, supportive technologies to improve efficiency within the learning episodes, curriculum applications to enhance learning in a specific curriculum focus, framework applications to cater to learning needs.

3.3. We need to be able to remove barriers and get information in a format that the student can engage with and easily understand.

3.3.1. Special provisions do not involve compensating for what the student does not know or can not do. Make reasonable adjustments to how the student can engage with the task to identify and fix what they can or can not do.

3.4. Hardware for curriculum engagement:

3.5. Alternative keyboards, Mouse alternatives, Switch systems, Interactive systems, Virtual reality, Transformation hardware, Communication devices

3.5.1. VI hardware, this includes screen magnification and enhancement. What blind people will use. Contains a series of brail characters. OCR and screen reading. Access technology for blind users, can access technology. Transform content, Written content may need to be transformed before student can effectively engage with the text Three step process: 1. Create digital copy (Camera) 2. Recognise content (OCR - Optical character recognition). 3. Place digital content to an appropriate digital format for the students

4. Lecture

4.1. Self regulated learning involves: time management, peer learning, effort regulation and metacognition.

4.2. If you use impact framework your presenting of knowledge will always shift, it won't be about facts which is seen in a lot of schools due to lack of the impact framework.

4.2.1. Unless a child is active in their learning and makes the connections with materials then they can't learn to their fullest potential. Impact provides you with strategies to build that.

4.3. Inspire: builds that knowledge for students to start with.

4.3.1. Then working with information Then apply startegies, students start to problem solve and maniuplate ideas. Then students start to evaluate and pull ideas together.

5. Ideas:

5.1. Describe my approach and validate it, why develop the activities in the way i did.

5.1.1. What was my thinking behind it How can it better students learning and create them to critically and creatively think and problem solve.

5.2. What principles for learning did i want to achieve?

5.2.1. Why was those ICT tools chosen why them and not others? Was there a relationship between the strategies I wanted to develop?

5.3. How have I thought about the content in all of this?

5.3.1. How have I thought about the student? What is my role as the teacher?

6. Week 1: TPACK

6.1. TPACK stands for technological pedagogical and content knowledge.

6.1.1. TPACK require teachers to go beyond their knowledge of particular disciplines, technologies and pedagogical techniques, allowing the creative repurposing of the traditional approaches.

6.2. Lee Shulman argues that special knowledge lies at the intersection of content and pedagogy at the intersection of what we teach and how we teach it.

6.2.1. TPACK is a theory that was developed to explain the set of knowledge that teachers need to teach their students a subject, teach effectively and use technology. TPACK helps support learning journey.

6.3. Teaching requires transformation of content in ways that make it intellectual and accessible to students.

6.3.1. You need to consider what technology will best align with content and come across to students to be engaging and interesting.

7. Week 2:

7.1. learning is an active constructive process. Children actively construct their own knowledge.

7.1.1. Teacher directed learning - tell students to look up facts, using google and make a poster. Student directed learning is the students choice to inquire and analyse what they are learning. Investigate with ICT, communicate with ICT and create with ICT.

7.2. Plagiarism is easy to do and enables children to cheat and create a piece of assessment that doesn't reflect their learning.

7.2.1. Role of technology is to enrich and transform learning. If we want children to think and apply we have to use technology to enrich and transform their learning. It's the tool and how you use it to explore, create and collaborate.

7.3. Teacher centred

7.3.1. Student centred Teacher centred approaches Vs student centred approaches (instructional vs guided discovery)

7.4. Behavioursit - knoweldge exists external to the child Vs constructivist - children construct their own knowledge

8. Week 5:

8.1. 7.4 Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers' professional knowledge and practice.

8.1.1. Most teachers use ICT platforms as main forms of learning

8.1.2. Twitter is a very helpful education tool: retweeting what other people are saying or paraphrasing what others are saying and what ideas are being generated E.g 1299 twitter page

8.1.3. ACCT 2018

8.2. Teachers need to give direct instructions

8.2.1. Facebook, pinterest (Ideas and resources and categories)

8.2.2. What can you contribute back and what conversations are you having.

8.3. PD is being done to teachers

8.3.1. Professional learning - start out as consumer looking at all resources available but then will be pedagogical expert being able to contribute to others and their classrooms by online resources.

8.4. Teachers direct their professional learning

8.4.1. Peer learning: is a process where peers learn from and teach each other, in formal and informal settings. Students benefit from problem solving and explaining information together through increased understanding of course content, as well as developing friendships, support networks and collegial skills.

8.5. Content generation

8.5.1. Metacognition: metacognition is thinking about thinking and learning processes. Employing metacognition when studying includes planning, monitoring and evaluating your efforts, regularly assessing and adjusting your methods and the understanding being gained or not gained.

8.6. School based training

8.6.1. Teachers as Drivers of their professional learning through design teams, communities and networks. Professional development is 'done' to teachers Professional learning is more self-directed based on professional needs or interests. Social networking approaches to PL, on demand 24/7 learning in palm of the teachers hand. Actioning teachers content generation, inquiry based professional learning is grounded in teachers intentional investigation and reflection on ones own practice. How do teachers engage in these social networks, such as moving in/out serendipitously between social media; the reasons for inactive, lurker activity compared. To active participation; consumer culture verses contributing culture where teacher prefer. How an online presence or teacher profiling is created and contributes to a sense of connectedness and presence.

8.7. Self-generating on-demand learning

9. Lecture

9.1. Enhancing student learning through ICT tools.

9.2. Remembering TPACK:

9.2.1. Technological, pedagogoical content knowledge Technological pedagogical knowledge: Learning changes when technologies are used constraints and affordances ex: tool for the task.

9.2.2. Skills required to operate various technologies Pedagogical knowledge: Processes, practices and methods.

9.2.3. Content knowedlge: subject knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge: Teacher interpret's the subject matter. Seeks multiple ways of representation and adopts and tailors instruction to alternative conceptions and students' prior knowledge

9.3. Knowing the right technology to use is a fundamental for the learning aim repurposing technology

9.3.1. What you teach and how you teach influences which technology tool you use Choosing the right ICT at a given stage of the teaching sequence in association to the content and how you teach it enables meaningful learning

9.4. TPACK is the basis of effective teaching with technology; requiring an understanding of:

9.4.1. The representation of concepts using technologies Pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content Knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems that students face.

9.4.2. Knowledge of students' prior knowledge and theories of epistemology Knowledge of how technologies can be used to build on existing knowledge to develop new epistemologies