Recreation project editing skills

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Recreation project editing skills Door Mind Map: Recreation project editing skills

1. Audio dubbing

1.1. Whilst some of the audio is out of time, compared to my editing skills in the preliminary task my skills have greatly developed, and my hope for next year is that i will be able to get the dubbing exactly in time (if dubbing is required).

2. Match on action

2.1. Like in my foundation portfollio i now fully understand the concept of match on action and now my clips all flow together.

3. Video in video

3.1. Video in video is a skill which i learnt whilst in the final post production stages, compared to my editing skills in the preliminary task, being able to do video in video shows how much i have developed as an editor.

4. Adjusting light

4.1. I slightly adjusted the light on my footga in order to create the tension which had been created in the orginal trailer, in reflection it would of been best to alter the lighting when filming due to this next year i want to be able to consider the lighting on set more and to think about this when picking a location.