Second Life in Undergraduate Nursing Education

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Second Life in Undergraduate Nursing Education Door Mind Map: Second Life in Undergraduate Nursing Education

1. Why Simulated Learning Environments (SLEs)/Second Life?

1.1. Educational challenge: narrow gap between theory & practice / transfer knowledge from didactic theory to clinical situations

1.2. Synchronous nature for Role playing, task trainers, virtual environments

1.3. Simulations = Active Learning in 3D where learner is represented by avatar. Learners engaged.

2. Examples

2.1. A ward simulation where the student prioritizes decisions based on their assessment of the patient

2.2. Rehearsal of client interview skills through role playing

2.3. Assessments in mental health nursing using a physically safe environment

3. Systematic review [search query] 285 results = Inclusion criteria: Primary research, undergraduate nursing education. Excluded: Interprofessional Education. =14 studies. Results: Some positive outcomes, including increased engagement and a learner-centered approach, and evidence of transferability of skills from didactic to clinical setting. SL may provide learning opportunities lacking in clinical settings.

3.1. Thematic analysis of 14 studies = fall under: 1) transferability, 2) learner-centered approach, or 3) evaluation of SL as educational methodology

4. My questions after reading

4.1. Does the anonymity of SL enhance learning?

4.2. Should virtual hours ever replace true clinical hours?

5. Cons

5.1. Learning curve