The Water Unit

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The Water Unit Door Mind Map: The Water Unit

1. Water Pollution

1.1. Pesticides

1.2. Facotries

1.3. Green House Gases

1.4. Pollution

2. Water Extincition

2.1. Using our water wisely

2.2. Running out of water

2.3. Not being able to reuse water

2.4. Finding more ways to save water

3. Water will never end if.....

3.1. If it goes into the land

3.2. If it does not get polluted

3.3. If it does not go onto roads

3.4. If the population needs more water than what we need.

3.5. If we destroy Aquifers and pollute the ground water.

4. Different water systems

4.1. Third World water systems

4.2. First World Water systems

4.3. Life Straw

4.4. Water cycle

5. Cycle of the water

5.1. Evaporation

5.2. Condensation

5.3. Perticipation

5.4. Surface Runoff

5.5. Etc....

6. Other

6.1. Desalination

6.2. Using the oceans water

6.3. Water as a buisness

6.4. Water as an economic good

7. Privatization of water

7.1. Nestle

7.2. Veola

7.3. Dasani

7.4. Etc.....

8. Water Consumption

8.1. Per capita

8.2. Wasting water

8.3. Industries

9. Fun Facts

9.1. Water is the 5th most valuable resource in the world

9.2. Kuwait has the least amount of freshwater in the world

9.3. Brazil has the most freshwater in the world

9.4. 97% of the world's water is not drinkable.