How is new media different from traditional media?

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How is new media different from traditional media? Door Mind Map: How is new media different from traditional media?

1. Multimedia

1.1. various ways of sharing information to audience

2. new media: bottom-up strategy ; traditional media: top-down strategy

3. Many to many communication

4. New Media: Authentic content Traditional Media: Polished content

5. New Media: One-on-one marketing. Traditional Media: Mass Marketing

6. free platform vs paid platform

7. Content creation and distribution

7.1. New Media is cheaper

8. Vast audience reach

9. New Media: Informal Language. Traditional Media: Formal Language.

10. Publishing Model

10.1. Traditional media used to filter then publish

10.1.1. New media publish then filter

11. digital form

11.1. environmental friendly

11.2. convenient

12. New Media: Anyone can produce/deliver content to a public audience. Traditional Media: only the publisher or certain organisation can produce the content.

13. new media: unstructured communication ; traditional media: controlled communication

14. one on one marketing

15. No limitation

16. Format of delivery

17. can be accessed anytime, anywhere

18. New Media : access to a wider audience

19. Traditional Media: Closed System New Media: Open System

20. Efficient

21. Real time creation (New Media) ; Pre-produced / Schedule (Traditional Media)

22. Transparency

23. User generated content

24. Traditional media has higher cost than new media

25. more reliable

26. Community decision making

27. Information Control

27.1. Gatekeeping (Traditional Media)

27.1.1. Gatewatching (New Media)

28. Flexible