Bio Electronical Platform

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Bio Electronical Platform Door Mind Map: Bio Electronical Platform

1. Optimize

1.1. Cure

1.1.1. Delivery at the right place

1.1.2. Delivery at the right time

1.1.3. Delivery the right medicine

1.2. Reduce/eliminate

1.2.1. Risk of chip breakage in the body

1.2.2. Remove ineffective treatment

1.3. Refillable

1.3.1. glucose

1.3.2. Oxygen

1.3.3. blood

2. Collect

2.1. Process

2.1.1. Parameters

2.1.2. Data collected

2.1.3. Environment

2.2. Memorize

2.2.1. Internal memory

2.2.2. Cloud

2.2.3. External memory

2.3. Transmit

2.3.1. Patients/doctors

2.3.2. Message

2.3.3. Applications

3. Analyze

3.1. Classify

3.1.1. Identity

3.2. Organise

3.2.1. Parameters

3.3. Identify

3.3.1. According to their importance

4. Connect

4.1. Parameterize

4.1.1. with Mobile phone

4.1.2. data center

4.1.3. connected watch

4.2. Share

4.2.1. Patient data

4.2.2. scientifics data

4.2.3. doctors data

4.3. Follow

4.3.1. doctors

4.3.2. parents

4.3.3. patients

5. Monitor

5.1. Limit

5.1.1. Personal Informations and details

5.2. Control

5.2.1. Anomalies

5.2.2. the encryption security

5.3. Alert

5.3.1. List the fear

5.3.2. Emit a signal

5.3.3. Display issues on the application

6. Implement

6.1. Recognize

6.1.1. System

6.1.2. Nanochips

6.2. Authorize

6.2.1. Access

6.3. Insert

6.3.1. Cells

6.3.2. veins

6.3.3. organs