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Education Learnings from the Pandemic
Education Learnings from the Pandemic
Serious Insights conducted a review of lessons learned from teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. The source document links can be found in the mind map. The concepts on the mind map are not exhaustive, but they represent some essential lessons extracted from the sources that should not be forgotten in a rush to return to normalcy.
Those who download this mind map should engage with it as a starting point for exploring what to remember from our pandemic experience and the beginning of a plan for what to do in the future.
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About the author
Daniel W. Rasmus
Daniel W. Rasmus is the founder and principal analyst at Serious Insights. Prior to founding Serious Insights, Rasmus drove thought leadership and future of work programs for Microsoft and served as VP of Knowledge Management and Collaboration at Forrester Research. Rasmus is the author of Management by Design and Listening to the Future.
Rasmus facilitates future of learning dialogs with many educational institutions. His work on the future of learning shaped thinking at the University System of Georgia, the National Association of College Stores, Bellevue College, and several other institutions and associations.
He regularly speaks on the future of learning at events such as Educause, Expo Capital Humano, Devlearn, Internet Librarian, CAMEX, EduComm, and Silicon Valley Comic Con.
Rasmus teaches Social Media for Job Hunters at Bellevue College. He served on the faculty academy at Pinchot University.
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