My Personal Learning Network

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My Personal Learning Network by Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. Leisure


1.1.1. Itunes

1.1.2. Utorrent

1.1.3. Frostwire

1.2. Reservations

1.3. Restaurants

1.4. Directories

1.5. Movies

1.5.1. Movie Summary

1.5.2. Movie Reviews

1.5.3. Movie Schedules

2. Travel

2.1. Articles and Blogs

2.2. Online Booking

2.3. Online Check-In

2.4. Online Hotel Reservations

2.5. Hotel Reviews

2.6. Latest Promos

3. Student

3.1. Ebooks

3.2. Yahoo Groups

3.3. Search Engines

3.4. Collaboration Tools

3.4.1. Google Docs

3.4.2. Pirate Pad

3.4.3. DropBox

3.4.4. Teamviewer

4. Social

4.1. Facebook

4.2. Twitter

4.3. Youtube

4.4. Tumblr