Machu Picchu

Information about Machu Picchu

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Machu Picchu by Mind Map: Machu Picchu

1. Style

1.1. classical Inca style

1.2. with polished dry-stone walls

1.2.1. Personal Todo List

1.2.2. Vacation Planning

1.2.3. Meeting Minutes

1.2.4. Project Plan

1.2.5. more...

2. History

2.1. Built by Inca civilisation

2.2. in 1400AD

3. The sight from above

4. Rocks Carved to Mirror Mountains

5. Three Primary Buildings

5.1. The Intihuatana

5.2. The Temple of the Sun

5.3. The Room of the Three Windows

6. Map

7. Location

7.1. 7,970 ft above sea level

7.2. Above the Urubamba Valley in Peru

7.3. 80 kilometres northwest of Cusco