07/19 - Introduction to Middle Years

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07/19 - Introduction to Middle Years by Mind Map: 07/19 - Introduction to Middle Years

1. Assessment

1.1. Interdisciplinary Unit of Work

1.1.1. Define Interdiscplinary, integrated and transdisciplinary models of planning Can be multiple definitions of the terms State in your essay I am do a ____ unit of work according to ____

1.1.2. Give key ideas rather than individual lesson plans Weekly planner Could be a year 5/6 combined class

1.1.3. Can do it as a website

1.2. Symposium

1.2.1. Groups Will be in groups of 2 with allocated topic

1.2.2. Exhibition and Presentation are separate

2. Resources

2.1. LMS

2.1.1. Integrated learning

2.1.2. Middle Years overview in LPP

2.1.3. Online Tutorial

2.1.4. Inquiry Based Learning

2.1.5. VELS - Teaching Support

2.1.6. Planning Curriculum Connections - Murdoch and Hornsby

3. Integrated Curriculum

3.1. Teaching

3.1.1. Skills

3.1.2. Knowledge

3.1.3. Behaviours

3.2. Connections

3.2.1. Gardner's

3.2.2. Philosophy for children

3.3. Approaches

3.3.1. Traditional Teacher directed

3.3.2. Transitional Teacher directed (activity based)

3.3.3. Balanced Teacher and learner working together

3.4. Rich Concepts

3.4.1. Adaptation

3.4.2. Resources

3.4.3. Revolutions

3.4.4. Supply and Demand

3.4.5. Ritual

3.4.6. Gender Equity

3.4.7. Intervention and Design

3.4.8. Power and Control

3.4.9. Mobility

3.4.10. Life and Living

3.4.11. Intervention and Design

3.4.12. These are only a few examples

3.5. Integrated Unit Planner

3.5.1. Host Content area Replaced with VELS standards

3.5.2. Start with a 'rich concept' or 'big idea'

4. Inquiry Based Learning

4.1. Starting to be used in universities

4.2. 4 Steps

4.2.1. Explore

4.2.2. Gather

4.2.3. Organise

4.2.4. Present

4.3. Facets of Inquiry Learning

4.3.1. Engaged and interested

4.3.2. Interaction and cooperation

4.3.3. Challenging, respectful

4.3.4. Learner has control over learning

4.3.5. Skill and strategies are applied to common purpose

5. Class Activity - Brainstorming about Curriculum

6. JOURNAL - Introduction to Middle Years