Security Conferences

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Security Conferences by Mind Map: Security Conferences

1. Location

1.1. North America

1.1.1. Canada West Coast East Coast Central South

1.1.2. United States West Coast East Coast Central South

1.2. Europe

1.2.1. Western Europe

1.2.2. Eastern Europe

1.2.3. UK

1.2.4. Russia?

1.3. Middle East

1.4. Asia

1.4.1. China

1.4.2. Japan

1.5. Australia/New Zealand

1.6. South America

2. Optional Training

2.1. Yes - self pay

2.2. No

2.3. Yes - provided/free

3. Speaker Compensation

3.1. Paid

3.2. No compensation

3.3. Some compensation

3.3.1. Hotel

3.3.2. Travel

3.3.3. Expenses

4. Getting accepted

4.1. Open to all (public CFP)

4.2. Incestuous (who you know)

4.3. Exclusive/Invite

4.4. Paying vendor spot

5. Conference Type

5.1. Vendor

5.2. Industry

5.3. Analyst/Investor/Other Firm

5.4. Community

6. Delivery Method

6.1. Online

6.2. Part of meeting (e.g. HTCIA meeting)

6.3. Organized Event Location

7. Experience Level

7.1. Beginner

7.2. Intermediate

7.3. Seasoned

8. Conference Name

9. Audience

9.1. IT Operations

9.2. IT Security

9.3. Business

9.3.1. Service Provider

9.3.2. Consumer

9.4. Hacker/Maker/Breaker

9.5. Academia

9.6. Law Enforcement

9.7. Military

9.8. Intelligence

9.9. Compliance/Audit


10. Conference Date

11. Frequency

11.1. Annual

11.2. Monthly

11.3. Quarterly


13. Recorded sessions available

13.1. Yes - free

13.2. No

13.3. Yes - self pay

14. Nature of Conference

14.1. IT Operations

14.2. IT Security

14.3. Business

14.4. Hacker/Maker/Breaker

14.5. Academia

14.6. Law Enforcement

14.7. Military

14.8. Intelligence

14.9. Compliance/Audit

14.10. ICS/SCADA

15. Credibility

15.1. Legitimate

15.2. Over Hyped

15.3. Irrelevant

15.4. On the fence