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US History by Mind Map: US History

1. Native Cultures

1.1. Scientists still argue over how and when the first native cultures came to North America.

1.2. There are many cultural regions of Native Americans that are within the United States.

1.3. Each native culture has their own history, and has played a part in US History


2. Revolution

2.1. The United States used to be a British Colony

2.2. Because the British King continued to tax the colonists, many colonists wanted to become independent

2.3. On July 4th, 1776, the Constitutional Convention declared independence against the British, thus forming The United States of America.

3. African Heritage

3.1. Slave trade from Africa


3.3. art and music was often used as a way to convey messages to other slaves or as a way to escape.

3.4. Escaped/Freed Slaves were often still trapped because they were uneducated, without family, and without income.

4. First Arrivals

4.1. Exploration

4.1.1. Spanish

4.1.2. English

4.1.3. Dutch

4.2. Roanoke

4.3. Plymouth

4.4. Jamestown
