Procedures and info for Mr Stewart's classroom

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Procedures and info for Mr Stewart's classroom by Mind Map: Procedures and info for Mr Stewart's classroom

1. Handling papers/ assignments

1.1. Heading and titling your papers

1.1.1. In the left, top corner Your name Your CLASS ID At the top LEFT corner of the page

1.1.2. In the top margin The assignment title

1.1.3. A staple if appropriate The appropriate time to staple your papers is when you enter the classroom, not when I ask you to pass them in. Unstapled papers will go into the "No Name" tray for you to staple and turn back in.

1.1.4. Incorrect/incomplete formatting Papers that are not formatted correctly may be placed in the "No Name" tray to be fixed and turned in again with correct formatting. It is your responsibility to check the "No Name" tray.

1.2. Handouts

1.2.1. Check table I will, at times, place handouts we will use that day on the table on the rug as you come in.

1.2.2. During class Receive stack from you LEFT Take one Pass stack to your RIGHT We use left-to-right passing because it cuts out the frustration of having to turn around and get the attention of the person behind you so that you can get on with your life. If the person to your right is not paying attention then just put the handouts on their desk and your part is done.

1.3. Stapling your papers

1.3.1. When As you enter the classroom It is a common misconception that a great time to staple homework together is when it is being handed in. This is not so. It turns out that a mass exodus of students from their seats, taking far too long to do something that only takes a second and wasting several minutes of class time is not the best way to do this. If you wait until turn in time to staple your papers, your papers won't get stapled and the assignment will be placed in the "No Name" tray for you to staple and turn back in.

1.3.2. Where Near the door, next to the turn-in trays

1.4. Turning in assignments

1.4.1. Turn-in tray If I ask you to turn in assignments here I would like you to... Wait Fight the urge to jump up whenever you feel like it and run to the turn-in tray. I will indicate when I'm ready for you to do so. Don't crowd There is only one tray and many of you, please be patient and give others space Turn it in

1.4.2. As a class, all at once First be sure that your name, ID, the due date, and the title of the assignment are on your paper and are legible. Next, if there are any papers on your desk that have been passed to you by others (from your RIGHT), put them with your own papers. Please do your best to make sure all papers are faced the same direction. Place all papers on the desk of the person to your LEFT. In most classes the procedure is to pass your paper to the person in front of you, they do the same and so on. This is problematic because you almost invariably find yourself getting the person's attention who is front of you, hitting them in the back of the head ans so on. In this class, instead of passing papers toward the back of a person's body, we will pass papers to the side of a person's body.

1.4.3. Turning in homework At the appropriate time you will follow the procedure for passing things in to me as a class, all at once. The Pink slip If for any reason you do not have the assignment with you that is due that day, please fill out and turn in a pink slip. Even if you were absent the day it was assigned because you had a terrible flu and you nearly died, still, please turn in a pink slip. Grab pink slip Fill it out Submit in lieu of homework

1.4.4. Turning in late work/ make-up work Late If the work you're turning in is late, please write "LATE" at the top and place it in the turn in tray for your subject at the back of the room. Make-up Please write "ABSENT" at the top of the paper and place it in the turn in tray.

1.4.5. Turning in tests Check your work It is incredibly important to check your work. You will likely find and correct simple errors that would have cost you points. If you have the time, just look over the test and see what you can see. Check front page Make sure you name, ID, and the date are correct. Please don't crowd You all know the feeling. You've checked and rechecked your work, hoping to catch any mistakes. You've thought good thoughts. You've even gone so far in the days before the test as to make sure you've eaten all your veggies, just for good measure. And with a final kiss at the top of your test for good luck you get up to turn it in, but you can't find that urge to give it one more last-second once over. As people wrestle with all this, please give them some room. I should also mention that a bunch of people standing in one place, holding tests in their hands does look awfully suspicious. Don't invite undue scrutiny. Place test in box There will be a box in the "turn-in" tray where test will be turned in. Please follow the example test on the front of the box when turning in your test. It saves more time than you might think when I don't have to go through the tests to make sure they are facing the same direction, and I use this time to bake you cookies and buy you presents*. Remain silent Please, out of respect for those still taking the test, remain silent and allow everyone to take the test in same environment. A student shouldn't feel added anxiety because others are talking and making it difficult to concentrate. Thank you.

1.4.6. Other "In the tray" and "all at once" are the two procedures we will use to hand in assignments. At times I will indicate to you which I would like to use at the moment.

1.5. Late/ make-up work

1.5.1. Late work Late work will be worth half credit for each class day (you have class with me every other day) it is late. With one exception. Late passes

1.5.2. Make-up work A past absence Your absence is unexcused Your absence is excused A future absence You will be absent the day it is assigned You will be absent the day it is due

1.6. Receiving past assignments

1.6.1. Check the homework trays There are six trays in the back of the room, on the shelf, just below the printer. Your period's tray will be labeled. I will put homework in those trays in a pile with the most recent assignments on top. I can't hold on to your homework forever. Once the tray is full to the point that I need to make more room I will take the older half of the stack and put it in the recycling.

1.7. Make-up tests

1.7.1. Schedule a time with me . You can talk directly to me or use the appointment sheet.

1.7.2. A make-up test must be taken all at once with few exceptions.. This means being sure that you can be here for an hour and a half if you want the maximum time allowable. It is your responsibility to make sure you do not have conflicting appointments and that you won't run out of time. You will not be able to continue the test at another time.

1.7.3. Make-up tests must be taken in this room, with few exceptions. There may be occasions when I have you take a test in another teacher's room.

2. The basics of a day

2.1. Entering the room

2.1.1. I will greet you at the door before class begins. Please say hello and enter... Quietly Please finish loud, hallway conversations in the hallway before entering. Thank you Respectfully Please try to outdo each other in the arts of politeness. Thank you Preparedly With Materials Ready for discussion Having already used the bathroom if needed. Observantly Check the tray Check ELOs Check projector

2.2. Starting class

2.2.1. I will not start class, you start class This is your class, this is where you learn math. You have the greatest influence over how beneficial your experience here is. Start class in a timely, orderly way, the more time we have and the more relaxed the environment in which to learn, practice, and master the awesomeness that is math.

2.2.2. Begin grading homework The answers to the homework problems will be on the Promethean board each day.

2.2.3. Prepare for homework Q&A At the same time you are checking homework,please make a note of problems you had particular difficulty with and would like me to address.

2.2.4. Participate in discussion After a few minutes, we will then start to go over the problems students had trouble with. Follow along, ask more questions, participate, and offer assistance to others. *I am trying to give you an indication of what kind of pace you should have when it comes time for the test.

2.2.5. Hand in homework

2.2.6. Take a quiz We will most often take a quiz after homework questions have been answered. At the end of the quiz I will ask you to indicate on a 1-5 scale how confident you are solving the quiz problems. After lecture, during individual work time (provided we have enough time), using your indicated confidence level, I will walk around to offer help to anyone who may need to spend some more time on the quiz material.

2.3. Ending class

2.3.1. Two-minute warning We will begin to wrap things up at about two minutes before the bell. If I've not said anything and you believe I've lost track of time, please give me a discrete gesture that the time is approaching, but don't break consentration. I will acknowledge you and have the class begin clean up or (occasionally) we may push right up to the bell.

2.3.2. Wait for the OK. Please wait until I say to begin putting things away and shuffling papers. It's distracting and I may need just those few more moments to speak to the class without distraction.

2.3.3. Clean up Straighten desks The desks in the front can be lined up with the blue tape and the desks behind can be lined up directly behind the front one. Pick up trash And throw it away Return borrowed items If you have borrowed something from me, please return it at this time. Pack up Put your things in your bag Make sure you have written down the homework. Return to your assigned seat Your assigned seat

2.3.4. Moment of silence Please let me know that you have cleaned up and that you are ready for me to make sure everything is in order by sitting quietly in your assigned seats.

2.3.5. Wait to be excused Once I have checked to see the desks are straight, there is no trash or messes, borrowed items have been returned, and the bell has rung, I will dismiss you to your next appointment.

2.3.6. Have a good day

3. F.A.Q.

3.1. Can we...

3.1.1. use cell phones? No cell phones No phone calls No texting Not even if it's your mom

3.1.2. use iPods (or other music players)? Music players are acceptable in nearly all non-lecture settings (at a reasonable volume). This means that music players are put away, earphones are not in your ears, and music is not playing while I am talking. Special conditions apply for quiz and test settings. I recognize that many people find music helps them to relax and (unlike myself) focus. I also realize however that the opportunities for using ipod-like devices to cheat are numerous. If you would like to listen to music during tests or quizzes you can. The procedure for using music players in such a setting is outlined in the node below. Music players need to...

3.1.3. bring food? Breakfast is important Lunch break is often too short

3.1.4. bring drinks? Water Juice Coffee Soda Monster Rock Star Whatever Please just clean it if you spill it

3.2. What if...

3.2.1. I'm absent? Make-up work A past absence A future absence Make-up tests and quizzes Schedule a time with me . A make-up test must be taken all at once. Make-up tests must be taken in this room.

3.3. Why...

3.3.1. I have a zero for_________? Check the "No Name" tray. Are you sure you turned it in? Check the homework return trays, there is a small chance I missed it while entering grades. If it isn't in one of the above two places, then I never got it.

3.3.2. I have a __ on my test? Most likely it is the grade you earned. If I have made a mistake, point it out and I will correct it almost immediately.

3.4. Have you seen a...?

3.4.1. Lost and Found Found items are kept in my desk, but a list of those items is kept on the board. To claim lost items you must give a detailed description to me.

3.5. Is there extra credit?

3.5.1. There is an extra credit opportunity right away. Student Teacher Conferences In an effort to get to know my students better and to open the lines of communication, I would like to meet with each of them individually. I would like to make this a requirement as a grade, but I understand that scheduling is an issue and not everyone may be able to find the time for this before or after school (or other times if need be). Students willing to meet briefly for about ten minutes will earn extra credit.

3.5.2. There will sometimes be EC questions on tests

3.5.3. Other EC projects are available Details of such project are in the following nodes. There are two elements to the word extra.

3.5.4. Stay tuned for other possible EC quests.

4. This is a mindmap. The central idea (Procedures and info) sits at the top and related ideas branch off of it.

4.1. Mind map vocab

4.1.1. The words you're reading right now are in what is called a "node," and this node is connected to the previous node by a "branch."

4.2. Mind map navigation

4.2.1. Expanding nodes a node may have branches and nodes connected to it, but which are hidden. If this is the case, click on the (+) at the corner of the node. Try it on this node. Pressing the (+) will reveal additional information on the topic of that node.

4.2.2. Collapsing nodes I suggest that as you explore the map, in order to keep it from getting really big (it can really spread out and get confusing), when you are done reading a node, press the (-) to collapse it again. Doing this will keep things more manageable and easier to navigate.

4.2.3. Panning Click on the empty space in the map and drag it to move around the map.

4.2.4. Zooming There is a magnifying glass icon at the top-left of the screen. Click it and use the slider to zoom

5. During class

5.1. Being tardy

5.1.1. There are two kinds of tardy... Not in the room (Big T Tardy) Get a note from the office Please come in quietly Put your note in the basket Take your seat Not in your seat (little t tardy) Be seated as soon as possible. Remain seated Stay after class.

5.2. Borrowing materials

5.2.1. Book Remove either your shoe or... If you are violently opposed to giving me your shoe, then give me everything valuable that you have with you. Your wallet, phone, keys, purse, everything that would immediately bring back to my room as soon as you realized you didn't have it. Give me your shoe I will take your shoe as collateral for borrowing a book. I'm not trying to embarrass you. I require a shoe from you because it drastically reduces the likelihood that you will forget to return my book. But hey, that's embarassing Receive book Run this procedure in reverse to retrieve you shoe.

5.2.2. Calculator During class Ask for a calculator Sign and date cover Leave the cover Take the calculator Return it A word to the wise We have a class set of 11. If I have run out of calculators then you are out of luck. Long term Just talk to me about your need

5.2.3. Pencil Get one from the "SHARP" jar by the sharpener.

5.3. Turning in assignments

5.3.1. See the node below "During class" labeled "Handling papers/ assignments

5.4. Getting my attention/ asking for help.

5.4.1. Three things to never say/ask: I simply will not respond "I don't get it" I understand the feeling, but saying this tells me absolutely nothing about how I can help you. Walk me through your process so far up to the point where you got stuck. "I'm just not good at math" Until the day I die, I will never say that there are math people and non-math people. Math can be difficult, and it may seem that some pick it up more easily than others, but it is accessible by all who want it. Be patient, stay calm, and give yourself a little more credit. "Why do we have to do this?" Or his cousin "when are we ever gonna use this?" Math is not necessarily a collection of incredibly useful, standalone skills. The short answer to this question many times is "never." You will most likely NEVER complete the square a single time after this class for the rest of your life. This is true of many subjects. The very specific, individual skills involved in a particular class will often never come up again. But this is not the point. Say you went to the gym, and today you are going to work your arms. You sit on a bench, lean down, pick a dumbbell, rest your elbow against your knee, and begin to do 20 reps of curls. Then it hits you, "when are you ever going to use this?" When will you ever, in your "real life" have to sit down in this way and curl a heavy object like this 20 times in a row? Perhaps as many times as you will have to complete the square. But that isn't the point of going to the gym and doing curls is it?

5.4.2. During lecture For clarification Raise your hand or say "excuse me, Mr. Stewart" if I don't seem to notice you right away. For no particular reason Remain silent, continue to pay or feign attention and act as though the thought of interrupting the class for no good reason never entered your head.

5.4.3. When seeking passage to the bathroom Please please do not raise your hand and stop me in the middle of lecture to ask "can I go to the bathroom?" There is a better way. Before anything else, please fill out the date, time, and destination in the back of your agenda. If I don't see an agenda you can't go into the halls. Hold up your agenda where I can see it. I may excuse you or ask you to hold on for a minute while I finish a thought or until another student returns. There is one boys' pass and one girls' pass to the bathroom. Take the appropriate pass along with your agenda and... you know the rest.

5.4.4. During individual work time Check my book Feel free to come to the front and check your answers in the teacher's edition to make sure you're on the right track. Raise your hand

5.4.5. During a test Raise your hand I will get up from time to time and walk around the room during a test. Feel free to flag me down at this time. Come to my desk I will likely be here during tests. Feel free to walk over quietly and ask for clarification on a question or to point out a possible error/typo. Remain silent Please do not speak out to ask something like "is this supposed to be a 5 or a 9 on question 2?" This is distracting.

5.4.6. If I'm not in my room Appointment sheet If you come by my room and either it is closed or I am not here and you just want to come back at a certain time when I'll be here, write your name on the appointment sheet in the time slot you will be back. When I see your name there I will be sure to to in my room at the time you indicate. My inbox The bottom of the three trays between the speakers, my inbox is the lifeblood of getting things done. Outside of assignments, if you need me to know about it, please write me a note and put it in the inbox. If you don't want me to know about it, put it anywhere else in the room. This box is useful for communicating with me if you come by and I'm not here. You might find this useful if you have a permission slip or progress report you need me to sign, a question you want to hear back from me about, or an awesome picture you would like me to see.

5.4.7. In the hallway Just about any greeting which is respectful will suffice in this situation. Disclaimer: I will feel at liberty to mention work you are missing or impending date of an upcoming test. I am not liable for any feeling of anxiety or your being bummed as a result.

5.4.8. At Gary and Leo's With your friends Friends who don't know me Friends who do know me Alone Go for it. What do you have to lose? Say "hi, Mr. Stewart."

5.4.9. At the gas station Pay for some of my gas They don't pay teachers much you know

5.4.10. In Missoula If you're not driving a car. For Pete's sake, do everything you can to get my attention. Wave your hands, flap your arms, cry out across the mall food court "hey, hey, HEY, Mr. Stewart, hey." By all means, jump up and down on the sidewalk if you see me driving by in my car. If you're driving car. If I see your hands, even for a moment, break from the 10 and 2 position; or if you look away from the road ahead of you in the slightest, I will be very disappointed.

5.4.11. Beyond Missoula It's probably best not to even make eye contact in this situation.

5.4.12. In space If you are aligned with the Federation. Open hailing frequencies and bring me up on the main viewer. I mean come on, let's catch up, what are the chances we would run into each other? IN SPACE?! If you are not aligned with the Federation. If you are a Romulan Warbird, If you are a Ferengi D'Kora starship

5.5. Getting your attention

5.5.1. My hand raises If I need to get you attention I will stand in front of the class and raise my hand. I won't make noise or try to talk over you.

5.5.2. You notice Also, once you notice, please bring it to the attention of others who may not be able to see me or have their heads down. Thank you.

5.5.3. Silence Please remain silent once you see my hand raised, and wait for my announcement.

5.6. Using office supplies

5.6.1. If you should need any of the following...

5.6.2. Paper clip

5.6.3. Three-hole punch

5.6.4. Pencil

5.6.5. Stapler If what you need to staple is an assignment that is to be turned in that day, please do not wait; staple your assignments as you enter the room, or else they will remain unstapled and will go into the "No Name" tray for you to staple and hand back in.

5.6.6. They are in the back of the room. Please...

5.6.7. Wait for appropriate time This would be a time other than lecture or when I am otherwise instructing the class.

5.6.8. Use supplies quickly

5.6.9. Return to your seat

5.7. Sharpening pencils

5.7.1. dull into "DULL" jar If the pencil you have dulled is one you have borrowed from me, please deposit it in the jar marked "DULL." Also, if it is your pencil, but you are not terribly, emotionally attached to it, please consider trading your dull pencil for a sharp one. This way, if you accidentally forget to return the pencil there's no harm done since you left yours as a replacement.

5.7.2. sharp from "SHARP" jar

5.7.3. sharpen if you absolutely must I'd prefer that you just put your dull pencil in the dull jar and take one from the sharp jar. It's less distracting that way.

5.8. Going to the bathroom

5.8.1. Please please do not raise your hand and stop me in the middle of lecture to ask "can I go to the bathroom?" There is a better way.

5.8.2. Fill out agenda Before anything else, please fill out the date, time, and destination in the back of your agenda. If I don't see an agenda you can't go into the halls. Borrow one if you have to.

5.8.3. Hold up agenda Make your agenda visible to me. I may excuse you or ask you to hold on for a minute while I finish a thought or until another student returns. Then I will sign your agenda and send you on your way.

5.9. Finishing your work early

5.9.1. Please consult the list on the left side of the room of productive things to do if you finish your work early.

5.10. Leaving class early

5.10.1. Give me notice If you know ahead of time that you are going to be leaving for an appointment of some kind, please let me know as we greet each other with a handshake at the door.

5.10.2. Signal me Since you have already let me know that you will be leaving early, just give me a head not or wave or something to let me know that you are headed out the door.

5.10.3. Leave Go on, leave.

6. Test Day

6.1. Before test day

6.1.1. Study How this is done is unique to each student. Just be sure to seek a firm grasp of the material and you will do fine.

6.1.2. Prepare questions You want the most time possible to take the test, so if you want to get a question answered, have it ready so that it can get answered before we have to begin. If you want, you can ask questions before class even starts.

6.1.3. Prepare necessary materials Pencils/pens Calculator Borrow one early if you need one, or else you will be waiting until all the tests are passed out before I get you one.

6.1.4. Pack something to do There will be no talking, even among people who have finished their tests. Please bring something to do that will help you preserve a peaceful environment for others to finish taking the test.

6.1.5. Get plenty of rest This requires some strategy. It means that all-nighter cramming sessions are a thing of the past. Sleep and come feeling rested.

6.2. I may not greet you

6.2.1. We may be inside the room answering last-minute questions before beginning the test.

6.3. Ask questions

6.3.1. If you have a question, don't be bashful, ask it. Even if you think you are the only one with that question, you're not, ask the question.

6.4. Put your things fully away

6.4.1. You will have nothing out of your bag but your pencil/pen, calculator, and possibly an iPod.

6.5. Take the test quietly

6.6. Don't cheat

6.6.1. Please don't give me reason to think you are cheating. Don't look around at others to see if they look puzzled, this just opens you up to scrutiny.

6.7. Turn in test

6.7.1. Check your work It is incredibly important to check your work. You will likely find and correct simple errors that would have cost you points. If you have the time, just look over the test and see what you can see.

6.7.2. Check front page Make sure you name, ID, and the date are correct.

6.7.3. Please don't crowd You all know the feeling. You've checked and rechecked your work, hoping to catch any mistakes. You've thought good thoughts. You've even gone so far in the days before the test as to make sure you've eaten all your veggies, just for good measure. And with a final kiss at the top of your test for good luck you get up to turn it in, but you can't find that urge to give it one more last-second once over. As people wrestle with all this, please give them some room. I should also mention that a bunch of people standing in one place, holding tests in their hands does look awfully suspicious. Don't invite undue scrutiny.

6.7.4. Place test in box There will be a box in the "turn-in" tray where test will be turned in. Please follow the example test on the front of the box when turning in your test. It saves more time than you might think when I don't have to go through the tests to make sure they are facing the same direction, and I use this time to bake you cookies and buy you presents*. *Cookies and presents may be imaginary.

6.8. Remain silent

6.8.1. Please, out of respect for those still taking the test, remain silent and allow everyone to take the test in same environment. A student shouldn't feel added anxiety because others are talking and making it difficult to concentrate. Thank you.

7. Around the room

7.1. In the back

7.1.1. The shelf The printer At times I may print something out for you. It will come out here. By the printer Pink slips Scratch paper Those trays Homework trays "No Name" tray

7.1.2. Below the shelf These are the turn in trays. Please turn in your late or make-up work here The office supplies These supplies (paper clips, three-hole punch, and stapler) are reserved for student use. The stapler

7.1.3. The chairs You may use the chairs during individual work time if I have excused you from you seats.

7.2. By the door

7.2.1. The pencil sharpener Take a guess what this is for.

7.2.2. The door Used for entry and egress to and from the room. Your gateway to knowledge Appointment sheet If you come by my room and either it is closed or I am not here and you just want to come back at a certain time when I'll be here, write your name on the appointment sheet in the time slot you will be back. When I see your name there I will be sure to be in my room at the time you indicate.

7.2.3. The shelf Pink slips If for any reason you do not have the assignment with you that is due that day, please fill out and turn in a pink slip. Even if you were absent the day it was assigned because you had a terrible flu and you nearly died, still, please turn in a pink slip. Grab pink slip Fill it out Submit in lieu of homework Scratch paper Scratch paper is available here always, help yourself. Kleenex I hope

7.3. On the left

7.3.1. The shelf Pink slips If for any reason you do not have the assignment with you that is due that day, please fill out and turn in a pink slip. Even if you were absent the day it was assigned because you had a terrible flu and you nearly died, still, please turn in a pink slip. Grab pink slip Fill it out Submit in lieu of homework Scratch paper Scratch paper is available here always, help yourself. Kleenex I hope

7.3.2. Classroom expectations Please be in your seat and working on the bell work when the bell rings. Please bring necessary materials every day and take them with you when you go. Treat each person in the room with dignity and respect. In this room, we learn. A large number of students come to this place to gain knowledge in the hopes of bettering themselves and their futures. Part of respecting others is respecting this goal. Please don't do anything to detract from this place and time of learning. Follow all directions the first time they are given. Follow all rules and procedures set out by the school and the district.

7.3.3. My desk My inbox The bottom of the three trays between the speakers, my inbox is the lifeblood of getting things done. Outside of assignments, if you need me to know about it, please write me a note and put it in the inbox. If you don't want me to know about it, put it anywhere else in the room. This box is useful for communicating with me if you come by and I'm not here. You might find this useful if you have a permission slip or progress report you need me to sign, a question you want to hear back from me about, or an awesome picture you would like me to see. Me There I am, working tirelessly for you, my beloved students. Please say hello, I'm pretty nice. Just don't look me directly in the eye. My coffee You no touchie

7.4. Up front

7.4.1. Left side ELOs Expected Learner Outcomes: If you are wondering what we are doing today, you will find it here. Lost and Found Found items are kept in my desk, but a list of those items is kept on the board. To claim lost items you must give a detailed description to me.

7.4.2. Right side Check the Promethean board every day at the beginning of class.

7.5. On the right

7.5.1. Windows For looking out of and letting cool air in.

8. At home/ not in this class

8.1. Needing homework help

8.1.1. See me outside of class Come in before school, after school, or ask me about other times I might be available. Appointment sheets On a clipboard outside of my door there is a colored sheet with times on it for the week. If you are going to come in before or after school then using this sheet is a great idea. The reasoning behind them Can I come in without putting my name down?

8.1.2. Online resources There are a host of online resources. A couple I like are... Khan Academy Brain storm

8.1.3. My Videos An ongoing project of mine is creating videos for my students centered around the texts we use. You can find links to the videos (on YouTube and my blog) on my website.

8.1.4. The blog The blog is primarily a place for me to post and organize the videos. Other things get posted there from time to time. I can also be contacted quickly and easily by commenting on the blog.

8.1.5. Scribblar Scribblar is an amazing service. It allows several people to share an online white board and edit it in real time. Not only that, but it also supports chat and voice conferencing. When fully utilized this means that if we are all online at the same time, we could have a virtual classroom where you could see what I write, I can see what each of you write, and we can all hear each other. If you are ever interested in setting up times that several of us can be online at the same time so that I can help you in real time, please let me know.

8.1.6. If all else fails Work all the problems you can as far as you can. Know where you are getting stuck and what is causing you confusion. Be ready (perhaps even write out a list) of problems that gave you trouble for discussion in the next class.

8.2. Contacting me

8.2.1. My email and school phone number/ extension are on my website.

8.2.2. Appointment sheet If you come by my room and either it is closed or I am not here and you just want to come back at a certain time when I'll be here, write your name on the appointment sheet in the time slot you will be back. When I see your name there I will be sure to to in my room at the time you indicate.

8.2.3. My inbox The bottom of the three trays between the speakers, my inbox is the lifeblood of getting things done. Outside of assignments, if you need me to know about it, please write me a note and put it in the inbox. If you don't want me to know about it, put it anywhere else in the room. This box is useful for communicating with me if you come by and I'm not here. You might find this useful if you have a permission slip or progress report you need me to sign, a question you want to hear back from me about, or an awesome picture you would like me to see.

8.3. Finding the current assignment

8.3.1. You can find the current assignment on the left-most whiteboard.

8.3.2. You can find a list of all assignments on your class's page via my website.