Internet search

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Internet search by Mind Map: Internet search

1. Reading the result page

1.1. TILDE ~ means a personal page

1.2. Look at file extensions

1.3. Look at domaine names

1.4. The result page gives you new ideas of key words to modify your query

1.5. Look at the number of results and try and reduce it

1.6. Look at the root website

2. Choosing the keywords

2.1. English or American

2.2. Singular or plural

2.3. Write down for future use

2.4. Change order

2.5. Use the whole lexical field

2.6. Use synonyms

2.7. Guess which words the author might have used

3. Writing the query

3.1. "Exact sentence"

3.2. Reverse questions

3.3. Use advanced search

3.4. Use domaine names as filters

3.5. Use file extensios as filters

3.6. Use + and - as filters