MCForge Vanilla - Minecraft Classic Server Software

Minecraft Classic Server Software

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MCForge Vanilla - Minecraft Classic Server Software by Mind Map: MCForge Vanilla - Minecraft Classic Server Software

1. New Level Types

1.1. Caves

2. Fix Issues

2.1. Bugs

2.1.1. Any Issues on GitHub

2.2. Memory Leaks

2.2.1. Dangling References

2.2.2. Dispose Objects

2.2.3. Null Arrays

2.3. Other

2.3.1. Jack's Crappy Code

2.3.2. LawlCat's Crappy Code

3. assssadagdfgjhhl

4. Add Features

4.1. GUI

4.1.1. Map Viewer Possibly Add the ability for an isometric view.

4.1.2. GUI For MCStorm Group System

4.1.3. Lava Survival Map Browser (See Game Modes)

4.1.4. Any Options Needed for New Features

4.2. CLI

4.3. Game Modes

4.3.1. Spleef

4.3.2. Lava Survival Spectators

4.4. Commands

4.5. Other

4.5.1. MCStorm Group System (Does NOT involve ranks)

4.5.2. Seasons

4.5.3. Notch Tree Generator Big Pine

4.5.4. fCraft Tree Generator

4.5.5. Rewrite Level Generator (Make it like fCraft)

4.5.6. New Block System