TEDxRotterdam2011 Filip Jonker

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TEDxRotterdam2011 Filip Jonker by Mind Map: TEDxRotterdam2011 Filip Jonker

1. leading artist

1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site

1.2. www.filipjonker.nl

2. intro

2.1. sculptor

2.1.1. work is about appreciation

2.1.2. looking at stuff

2.2. honor the pallet

2.2.1. beautifull wood

2.2.2. you get a desire for the pallet

2.3. carry your loved one to the graveyard

2.3.1. wheelbarrow

3. honeycomb cardboard

3.1. is not waterproof

3.1.1. searching for contrast

3.2. make a boat

3.2.1. tugboat adventurer goliath

3.2.2. printed the design of the boat

3.2.3. put pieces to gether

3.2.4. add spray/ coating to make it waterproof

3.3. cartboard tugboat

3.3.1. more information

4. boat trip

4.1. discoverd that boat was tiny

4.2. to tiny for a radar

4.3. caused some challenges in th eport of rotterdam

5. lesson

5.1. let your imagination run wild