Production of a pair of running shoes

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Production of a pair of running shoes by Mind Map: Production of a pair of running shoes

1. 6. assembling insole, midsole, and outersole

2. 5. processing materials

2.1. moulding rubber

2.2. stamping the fabric

3. 7. Quality Control

3.1. test materials using procedures developed by Shoe and Allied Trade Research Association

3.2. Inspector checks for durability, incomplete cement bonding, stitching errors

4. 8. Shoe is graded

5. 4. purchasing of raw materials by shoe company

6. 1. natural resources are obtained

6.1. agriculture

7. 2. raw materials are extracted

7.1. ingredients

7.1.1. rubber natural synthetic

7.1.2. fabric canvas

8. 3. Designing the shoe