Beautiful ideas for social media in the classroom

Workshop Social Media and Education, November 3, 2011, 13:30 - 15:00

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Beautiful ideas for social media in the classroom by Mind Map: Beautiful ideas for social media in the classroom

1. Learners can upload their projects

2. Social Media without giving Big Brother-impression

3. Activate students in classroom

4. Interact with students in different languages

5. Get feedback from Students

6. Find new students

7. Increase number of students

8. See the workshop presentation!

9. Music

9.1. Spotify


10. Social networks & Blogs

10.1. Facebook

10.2. LinkedIn

10.3. WordPress

10.4. Blogger

11. Knowledge

11.1. Wikipedia

11.2. Quora

11.3. Stackexchange

12. Keeping in touch with students

13. Prevent Social Media fights between students

14. Use Social Media to become more honest

15. Let teachers use Social Media

16. Teachers using Social Media positively

17. A printable sheet with tips and links for online tools

18. Movies

18.1. Vimeo

18.2. YouTube

19. Pictures

19.1. Flickr

19.2. Zooomr

19.3. Twitpic


20.1. Digg

20.2. Delicious