Introduction to Concept Mapping

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Introduction to Concept Mapping by Mind Map: Introduction to Concept Mapping

1. Very little local software needed

2. MirandaNet wiki spaces

2.1. Use link for info about tonight's MirandaMod

3. Using Flashmeeting

3.1. Flashmeeting is particulary good for people coming in from other places

3.2. We found in a room of people, there is a risk of sound feedback. You really need earphones & microphones!

3.3. Flashmeeting converts speech to text - not 100% accurate but good enough

3.4. You can make a screencast too

3.5. It's free for schools and academic purposes

4. Response systems

4.1. Prepare questions

4.2. Use Notebook software (with Smartboard)

4.3. Response pad (looks like phone)

4.3.1. Green light shows on board

4.4. Multiple choice questions

4.5. pre-prepared questions

4.6. responses can be anonymous or you can have a class list

4.7. Responses can be completely anonymous or you can assign pad id numbers to your classlist

4.8. Sometimes people give better answers if they're anonymous - at least to others in the room

4.9. Pads can take up to 24 digits

4.10. Other pads available - 160 digits, maths equations, virtual edition (exploring at BETT)

4.11. Virtual pad - laptop, smartphone, iPhone etc - code joins person to session

4.12. SE version for computers connected directly to teacher/leader's computer

4.13. Use of the "Worm" eg Participants used voting pads to record their reactions whilst watching a live activity/debate/etc. Worms - tracked participants' attitudes


5.1. Ruggedised

5.2. Automatic orientation (vertical/horizontal)

5.3. Accelerometer rotates the screen so it is always the right way up for the person looking at it

5.4. Can embed 3G SIM card

5.5. Built in safety eg must connect to school wireless, it shuts down

5.6. Onboard handwriting recognition works for all applications,

5.7. 5-6 hours battery; can use 9 hour battery

5.8. cost est £350

6. Reception/Registration

6.1. Needed for BETT

6.2. Need for programme & how to get in touch with AfA

6.3. QR code info - labels?

6.4. Issue: Connectivity overstretched at Bett

7. Sound quality in room?

8. Broadcast camera saves to CF card

9. Video Streaming

9.1. Cameras = about £300

9.2. Various videosharing real time eg Twitcam, Ustream

9.3. iPhones v good for getting video

9.4. Need for won wireless device (Hutchinson 3 hub device shown)

9.5. Need for decent lighting eg LED for localised light or on camera

9.6. Streaming - connected to computer to broadband - internet. Live broadcast!

9.7. Live streaming - can go wrong despite preparation

9.7.1. Use of lower res camera can resolve issue

9.8. Twitter - can use code for any embedded code for live stream

9.9. Film good quality camera for archive, broadcast lower quality for web

10. Twitter

10.1. Follow people

10.2. Share info, media, docs etc

10.3. Hashtag (#) is the way to share a topic such inviting people to an activity eg MirandaMod!

10.4. Almost instant

10.5. Very short bursts of dialogue, fewer distractions than say, Facebook

11. Day 2: Reviewing the Process

11.1. Photography

11.1.1. No problems - flash could distrb

11.2. Camera/stream

11.2.1. Change of tapes

11.2.2. Frequent need to adjust sound

11.2.3. Software meant use of laptop mike rather than camera.

11.2.4. Need 1 hour setup time

11.2.5. Flashmeeting only on sat

11.2.6. Synchronous streaming? asynchronous is done anyway

11.3. BETT

11.3.1. Need name to appear on badge - entrance via exhibitor route (no queue)

11.3.2. Bio needed & good quality photo

11.4. Video

11.4.1. Video camera worked well, use of shotgun mike. Image & sound quality very good,

11.4.2. Useful to be able to know break to change memorycard

11.4.3. Bett - more, short presentations, then questions

11.5. Flashmeeting

11.5.1. Hard to see slides

11.5.2. Can't match real experience

11.5.3. Sound issue - hearing questions. Type them in?

11.6. Map

11.6.1. Others editing affect nodes & behaviour of map

11.6.2. Bigger screen would be better

11.7. Projector quality needs to be better

12. Concept Maps

12.1. "Using it to plan course research"

12.2. "Good for revision"

12.3. Contribute without interrupting someone

12.4. Output/save choice - Word/document, Graphics or pdf

12.5. "I like the way we can collaborate"

12.5.1. "Real time collaboration very useful"