Preparation for Calculus

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Preparation for Calculus by Mind Map: Preparation for Calculus

1. D.1 - Real Numbers and the Real Line

1.1. Rational v. Irrational

1.2. Absolute Value

1.3. Quadratic Inequalities

1.4. Interval and Set Notation

2. D.2 - The Cartesian Plane

2.1. Circles

2.1.1. General Form Complete the Square

2.1.2. Standard Form

2.2. Distance Formula

2.3. Midpoint Formula

3. D.3 Trigonometry Review

3.1. Radians

3.2. Solving Right Triangles


3.4. Identities

3.4.1. Basic

3.4.2. Pythagorean

3.4.3. Double Angle

3.4.4. Power Reducing

3.4.5. Reciprocal

3.5. Graphing

3.5.1. sine

3.5.2. Cosine

3.5.3. Tangent

3.5.4. Secant

3.5.5. Cosecant

3.5.6. Cotangent

3.6. Arc Length

3.6.1. Angular Speed

3.6.2. Linear Speed

4. P.1 - Graphs and Models

4.1. Sketch

4.2. Intercepts

4.3. Points of Intersection

4.4. Symmetry

4.5. Mathematical Models

5. P.2 - Linear Models and Rates of Change

5.1. Equation of a line

5.1.1. Standard Form

5.1.2. Point-Slope

5.1.3. Slope-Intercept

5.2. Linear Models

5.3. Sketching

5.4. Slope

5.4.1. Parallel

5.4.2. Perpendicular

5.4.3. Average Rate of Change

6. P.3 - Functions and their Graphs

6.1. Domain and Range

6.2. Sketching

6.3. Transformations

6.4. Composite

6.5. Evaluating Functions

6.6. Piecewise

7. P.4 - Fitting Models to Data

7.1. Linear Models

7.2. Quadratic Models

7.3. Trigonometric Models