Business aspects of Watson, David Boloker, IBM

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Business aspects of Watson, David Boloker, IBM by Mind Map: Business aspects of Watson, David Boloker, IBM

1. The world is fundemantally changing

1.1. world is exploding with data

1.2. business models are thrown out

1.3. population grows

1.4. companies use analytics more & more

2. Basic process remain

2.1. Understand

2.2. Raise hypothesis

2.3. Apply machine learning model

3. Applications

3.1. Healthcare application

3.1.1. Patient diagnosis Understand Raise hypothesis Add evidence of different aspects Evaluate the hypothesis with every new piece of information Provide final confidence levels

3.2. Financial application

3.2.1. Which company to invest in same process

4. The idea is to help people who need go over tons of information, & do the work for them

5. When do you need Watson-like solution

5.1. Can't manage the data

5.2. Need analyze patterns

5.2.1. Generate actionable insights

5.2.2. Manage the volume, variety & velocity of data

5.3. Transform analytics

6. Use-cases they consider

6.1. Diagnosis & treatment

6.2. Process optimization

6.3. Contact center

6.3.1. Ingest sources Previous calls Manufacturing Manuals Web data people who solved this

6.4. Research & Development

6.5. Personalized Self-Service

6.6. Fraud & Risk-management

7. 2012 focus: UX

7.1. iPad app

7.2. conveying confidence level

7.3. need not just question, but also context