Template for Designing New Product or Service

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Template for Designing New Product or Service by Mind Map: Template for Designing New Product or Service

1. Sales Plan

1.1. Quotas

1.2. Pricing

2. Marketing Plan

2.1. prospects

2.2. Referrals

2.2.1. http://expectreferrals.com

2.3. Current Clients

2.4. Website development

2.4.1. http://evolvealoud.com

2.5. SEO

2.5.1. http://evolvealoud.com

2.5.2. Blogging

2.5.3. Press Releases

2.5.4. Articles

2.5.5. Directories

2.6. Video and Video SEO

2.6.1. http://evolvealoud.com

2.6.2. Video Testimonials http://evolvealoud.com

2.7. Social Media

2.7.1. http://evolvealoud.com

2.7.2. Set up

2.7.3. Marketing

2.7.4. Outlets facebook twitter Pinterest

2.8. KeyWord Research

2.8.1. http://evolvealoud.com

2.8.2. http://evolvealoud.com

2.9. PPC research

2.10. direct mail

2.11. Email

2.11.1. newsletter

2.11.2. Drip Campaign

2.12. Print Advertisiing

2.12.1. Periodicals

2.12.2. Papers

2.12.3. Books

2.13. Television

2.14. Billboard

2.15. timing

2.16. Radio

2.16.1. Radio Disney Vanessa Standbridge

2.17. Marketing budget

2.18. Promotional Products

2.18.1. www.blezoo.com

2.19. Event Marketing

2.20. New node

2.21. White Papers

3. Fulfillment System

3.1. who is involved

3.2. necessary capabilities

3.3. production times

3.4. stages

3.5. Costs

3.6. Flowchart

3.6.1. Lucid Chart

4. Vision

5. Purpose

5.1. Clear Exciting purpose will help you through the "Dip"

6. Outcomes

6.1. New node

7. Values

7.1. To Client/Customer

7.2. To you

8. To Do

8.1. List of Deliverables

8.1.1. Different levels?

8.2. Ideas

8.3. Someday maybe


9. Names

10. Brainstorm Massive Action Plan

10.1. mindmeister.com