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MCForge by Mind Map: MCForge

1. Database

2. Mod Commands

2.1. xban/uban

2.2. /tempban

2.3. Ban/Unban/BanKick/UnIPBan/IPBan/EditBan/BanInfo

2.4. Kick

2.5. Undo/Redo

2.6. allowguns/disallowgun

2.6.1. Possibly merge? I would just rename it toggle guns

2.7. /resetbot (resets irc)

2.8. /limit

2.9. cmdset/blockset

2.10. follow

2.11. Punished

2.12. jail/freeze/mute/joker

2.12.1. merge xmute into mute

2.13. setrank

2.13.1. Add the ability to stealth setrank

2.14. promote/demote

2.15. moderate/voice

2.16. restart/shutdown

2.16.1. Make restart really work, make both work on mono

2.17. /server

2.18. VIP system (allows players to bypass playerlimit)

2.18.1. Add controls to GUI for this

2.18.2. Devs automatically VIP

2.19. /SetMainMap

2.20. hide

2.20.1. Add the ability to stealth hide

2.21. opchat/adminchat

2.22. summon

2.23. zone

2.23.1. Add ability to delete individual zones

2.23.2. merge ozone into zone (/zone all)

2.24. /review (and its queue system)

2.25. /patrol

2.26. votekick

2.27. globalcls/playercls

2.27.1. Merge into /clearscr (/cls shortcut). /cls global and /cls player

2.28. say

2.29. pass/setpass/resetpass

2.30. whois/whoip/whowas

2.30.1. Merge together into one command (./whois works for online and offline, and /whois ip <iphere> will work like /whoip

2.31. lockdown/unlock

2.31.1. Merge into eachother.

2.32. color/title/tcolor/rtitle

2.33. /ignore

2.34. /setspawn and /spawn

2.34.1. Perhaps make /setspawn into /spawn set

2.35. /update

3. Info Commands

3.1. measure/calculate

3.2. /devs

3.2.1. Retrieve dev list from online

3.3. hasirc

3.4. rules/oprules

3.5. players/viewranks

3.6. /info

3.7. /lastcmd

3.8. /about

3.9. levels/unloaded

3.9.1. Go back to old pre- /levels

3.9.2. simplify level management and stuff

3.9.3. Merge /unloaded and make it /levels unloaded <1/2/3>

3.9.4. Add /levels num - shows how many levels a server has

3.10. /pcount

3.11. /news

4. Other Commands

4.1. Bodadd/Botsummon/botset/botai/botremove

4.1.1. Make BotAI more functional

4.1.2. Merge into /bot <add/summon/set/ai/remove>

4.1.3. Have bots save; bots not removed on level unload, only with /botremove

4.2. ./mymap (command from Aeries)

4.3. impersonate/possess/slap/kill/joker

4.4. agree/disagree to rules

4.5. /museum

4.6. give/take/money

4.7. economy

4.7.1. pages

4.8. me/afk

4.9. /emote

4.10. award/awardlist/awardmod

4.10.1. Merge into /award (list/give/take/modify)

4.11. cmdcreate/cmdload/compile

4.11.1. Merge into /cmd (create/load/compile)

4.12. missile/gun

4.13. /alias - custom command aliases

4.14. profanity filter system

4.14.1. Add the option to warn/kick/tempban for violations?

4.14.2. Add GUI system to edit bad words and manage profanity system

4.14.3. Add anti-caps and anti-spam measures

4.14.4. Option to semi-censor words? (if hello is a swear, it would be censored as h****)

4.15. chatroom

4.16. opchat/adminchat/whisperchat/levelchat/rankmsg

4.17. /waypoint

4.18. /warp

4.19. joke commands: /hacks, /hackrank, /crashserver, /flipheads, /chain

4.20. /fly

4.21. Global Chat (/gc, /gcaccept, /gcrules)

4.21.1. Improve support for GCCP

4.22. loginmesage/logoutmessage

4.23. /vote

4.24. send/inbox

4.25. Message Appending

5. Build Commands

5.1. /abort

5.2. /click and /place

5.2.1. Add /mark (like /place only it triggers cuboid blocks)

5.3. Copy/paste/spin/store/retrieve

5.4. replace/replacenot/replaceall

5.5. cuboid/line/spheroid/stairs/pyramid

5.5.1. Add /spheroid hollow, /pyramid hollow

5.5.2. Add the ability to cuboid with specified coordinates

5.6. /fill

5.7. New Command: /cone

5.7.1. Add /cone hollow

5.8. /static

5.9. /tree

5.9.1. Add more Tree Types

5.10. /mode

5.11. /paint /delete

5.12. /write

5.13. /maze

5.14. /imageprint

5.15. /splace

5.16. rainbow

6. Blocks

6.1. Done

6.1.1. Griefer Stone Some things need to be added to properties

6.2. Started

6.2.1. Physics Blocks /ride for trains

6.3. Not started

6.3.1. Portals Add the ability to cuboid portals.

6.3.2. MessageBlocks

7. Level Commands

7.1. /map

7.1.1. Make easier to use

7.2. Clearblockchanges

7.3. save/load/restore/reload

7.3.1. Merge /restoreselection into /restore

7.3.2. Add /restore archive <newname> <backup> (saves current map as mapname and then restores to backup)

7.4. perbuild/pervisit

7.4.1. Merge Perbuildmax and pervisitmax into perbuild/pervisit

7.5. mapinfo

7.6. /import

7.7. fixgrass

7.8. newlvl/deletelvl/renamelvl

7.9. /unflood

7.10. tp

7.11. /blocks

7.12. /physics

7.13. /move and /goto

7.13.1. merge /moveall into /move (/move all)

8. GameModes

8.1. CTF

8.2. lavasurvival

8.3. spleef

8.4. countdown

8.5. zombie survival

8.6. TNT Wars

9. GUI

9.1. Redo Properties window

9.2. ToolTips explaining what all the options mean. (Anti-tunneling, etc. may not be self-explanatory.)

9.3. Start screen (Explain SQL, port-forwarding, etc.)

9.4. make GUI larger, more organized

9.5. make GUI look fancy

10. Core Stuff

10.1. Ranks

10.1.1. Option to link titles to ranks. (ex: when someone is ranked to guest their title changes to guest, or whatever the host has set for that rank) Optional manual title override.

10.2. Physics

10.3. Other Stuff Ryan Hasn't Finished

10.4. Plugin System

10.5. IRC Support

10.6. WoM Texturing Support

10.7. Multi-level support/Level Generation

10.8. Re-Work Networking

10.9. Permissions

10.9.1. Add Sub-Permissions for Combo Commands

11. Welcome, this is where we will see who is doing what. To assign youself to a task, click it and go to the Tasks tab in the properties window. Go to the "assigned to" drop down list and select your name. The little blue boxes signify completion. Click them to change their status.