Research methods and Data analysis I

SWOT analysis focussed on the use of technology enhanced learning

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Research methods and Data analysis I by Mind Map: Research methods and Data analysis I

1. Strengths

1.1. Many technologies used

1.1.1. Blackboard

1.1.2. Discussion forum

1.1.3. E-mail communication

1.1.4. Mobile device

1.1.5. Clickers

1.1.6. Digital examination

1.1.7. Weblectures

1.2. Students study every week

1.3. Students are active during the lectures

2. Opportunities

2.1. Implementing unused technologies

2.1.1. Podcasts

2.1.2. Chat

2.2. Extending used technologies

2.2.1. Discussion forum

2.2.2. Weblectures

3. Weaknesses

3.1. Some technologies not used

3.1.1. Weblog

3.1.2. Poscasts

3.1.3. Virtual worlds

3.1.4. Wiki

3.1.5. Chat

3.2. Students encounter problems installing SPSS

3.3. No feeling of a community

3.4. Excessive e-mail communication

4. Threats

4.1. Students might get lost in technology

4.2. Increasing teacher workload

4.3. Course disappears