RAFV Communications Plan

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RAFV Communications Plan by Mind Map: RAFV Communications Plan

1. Production

1.1. Blog http://rafvmember.wordpress.com/

1.1.1. Government Affiars

1.1.2. Education

1.1.3. Membership

1.1.4. #3

1.2. Video http://youtube.com/rafoxvalley

1.2.1. Playlists Government Affairs Add from http://www.youtube.com/user/IllinoisRealtor MLS Update

1.2.2. How to Share

1.3. Presentations http://slideshare.net

2. Distribution

2.1. Email(Insert software) ex, http://mailchimp.com

2.1.1. Auto-responders Board of Directors List RPAC supporters

2.1.2. Education notices

2.1.3. Event notices

2.2. Government Call to Actions

2.3. Print

2.3.1. Auto-responders Board of Directors List RPAC supporters

2.3.2. Event notices

2.3.3. Government Call to Actions

3. Syndication

3.1. RSS Feeds

3.1.1. House Logic

3.1.2. Real Estate Radio Today http://retradio.com

3.1.3. New node

3.1.4. Illinois REALTOR Blog http://www.iarbuzz.com/feed

3.2. Widgets

3.2.1. House Logic

3.2.2. Real Estate Radio Today http://retradio.com

4. Engagment http://hootsuite.com

4.1. Twitter (insert profile URL)

4.1.1. https://twitter.com/ilrealtor

4.2. Facebook

4.2.1. https://www.facebook.com/IllinoisAssociationofREALTORS

4.2.2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/42606772358

4.3. Social monitoring