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Statistics by Mind Map: Statistics

1. Probability & Probability Law

1.1. Probability

1.2. Probability Law

1.3. Random Variable

1.4. Probability distribution (discrete case)

1.5. Probability distribution (continuous case)

2. Distribution

2.1. Binomial Distribution

2.2. Poisson

2.3. Geometric

2.4. Negative binomial

2.5. Normal Distribution

2.6. Score

2.7. Student t

2.8. exponential

2.9. Chi-Square

2.10. Snedecor's F

3. Variable

3.1. Data Set

3.2. Variable Type

4. Sampling & Descriptive statistics

4.1. Sample and Population

4.2. Descriptive statistics

4.3. Population mean vs Sample mean

4.4. Population variance vs Sample variance

4.5. Quantiles

4.6. Box Plot

5. Representing data

5.1. Frequency table

5.2. Dotplot

5.3. Jittered Strip Plot

5.4. Stem and Leaf Plot

5.5. Histograms

5.6. Bar Chart

5.7. Shape of Frequency Distribution

6. Central limit theorem

7. Hypothesis test

7.1. Hypothesis testing

7.2. One sample t test

7.3. Z test

7.4. confidence interval

7.5. Paired T Test

7.6. Two Sample T test

7.7. one-tailed and two-tailed tests

7.8. procedure of hypothesis testing

7.9. decision errors

7.10. Power analysis

7.11. explanation on output of t test

8. Regression & Correlation

8.1. simple linéar regression

8.2. evaluating linear fits

8.3. multiple linear regression

8.4. correlation

8.5. correlation and causation

9. Contingency table

9.1. contingency table

9.2. mosaic plot

9.3. test of independance

9.4. test of homogeneity