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Computers by Mind Map: Computers

1. Studying

1.1. Online vocabularies

1.1.1. Multilex

1.1.2. Diccionario

1.2. Online language courses

1.3. Information for the studies

1.3.1. Wikipedia

1.3.2. Google

2. Working

2.1. Information

2.1.1. Google

2.1.2. Yahoo

3. Gaming

3.1. Singleplayer games

3.1.1. FPS

3.1.2. RTS

3.1.3. Quests

3.1.4. Simulators

3.2. Online games

3.2.1. MMORPG

3.2.2. Games with multiplayer function

3.3. Browser games

3.3.1. Card games Poker Blackjack

3.3.2. RPG

3.4. Flash games

4. Shopping online

4.1. Amazon

4.2. Ebay

4.3. Other shops with online departments