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somthimg else by Mind Map: somthimg else

1. Server hosted maps

2. New node

3. Embedded binary content

3.1. Format change

3.1.1. binary content as files in a zip archive

3.1.2. clipboard operations

3.2. New node

3.2.1. New node New node New node

4. Freeplane 2.0

4.1. Collaboration

4.1.1. Freeplane as rich client

4.1.2. Transfer diffs or new content on changed nodes and node extensions

4.2. Freeplane on Mobile Devices

4.2.1. Requires JavaFX on iOS and Android More info expected on Java One

4.2.2. Freeplane should be moved from Swing to JavaFX

5. Freeplane 1.3

5.1. 1. Merge from Docear, Workspaces

5.2. 2. Map improvements

5.2.1. Cloned nodes 1. Latex in core 2. test 3. hello

5.3. hjjhh

6. git beginner workshop?

7. t

8. t

9. t

10. t