7capital Resource Center

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7capital Resource Center by Mind Map: 7capital Resource Center

1. Tax-effective Transfer

1.1. Estate distribution

1.1.1. Income producing asset

1.1.2. Will We provide Will Writing Service

1.1.3. AMD

1.1.4. Lasting PoA

1.1.5. Trust

1.2. Tax treatment

1.2.1. Tax evasion

1.2.2. Tax avoidance Reliefs Tax rate SRS For 7CAPITAList's Financial Consultant For Consumer

2. Leverage

2.1. Amorization

2.2. Car loan

3. Protection

3.1. Insurance summary

3.2. Disability income analysis

3.3. Protection analysis

3.4. Travel Insurance

4. Annualized

4.1. Pension

4.2. Retirement

4.2.1. Financial independence

4.3. How long your $ last?

4.4. Options

4.4.1. Cash

4.4.2. CPF

4.4.3. SRS

5. Creation

5.1. Goal setting

5.1.1. SWOT analysis Ask oneself

5.1.2. SMART objectives

5.1.3. T-Rule Pro Con

5.2. Estate

5.3. Financial statement

5.3.1. Cash flow

5.3.2. Net worth

5.3.3. Finanical ratio

5.4. Understand financial documents

6. Accumulation

6.1. Regular Saving

6.1.1. Save first or spend first?

6.1.2. Effect of extra saving amount per month

6.2. Lump sum saving

6.3. Tertiary education planning

7. Investment

7.1. $1 to $2

7.1.1. Rule 72

7.2. The silence killer

7.2.1. Inflation

7.3. Internal rate of return

7.4. Risk-reward association

7.4.1. Risk.Volatility.

7.4.2. Return.Performance.Reward.

7.4.3. Correlation

7.5. Asset allocation

7.5.1. Cash

7.5.2. Bond

7.5.3. Equity

7.5.4. Real estate

7.5.5. Alternative investment Wine Private placement

8. Contact me for more resources...

8.1. Chew Hock Beng

8.1.1. Our location

8.1.2. Mobile @ +65 9389 7195

8.1.3. Email