Jen's Knowledge Areas

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Jen's Knowledge Areas by Mind Map: Jen's Knowledge Areas

1. ELC 752 Leadership DONE!

1.1. Dr. Jenny Edwards

2. ELC 781 Media Studies DONE!

2.1. Dr. Bernie Luskin

3. ELC 761 Structural Inequality & Diversity (Almost done!)

3.1. Dr. Yolanda Gayol

4. ELC 775 Theories of Learning

4.1. Dr. Rodney Beaulieu

5. ELC 760 Community Relations

6. ELC 751 Action Oriented Research

6.1. Dr. Sue Gordon

7. ELC 778 Technology, Learning & Teaching

7.1. Dr. Rena Palloff

8. ELC 753 Systems Thinking & Intervention

9. ELC 754 Area of Specialization

9.1. Dr. Rodney Beaulieu