Get Your Google On

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Get Your Google On by Mind Map: Get Your Google On

1. Mobile

1.1. Mobile

1.2. Search for mobile

1.3. Maps for mobile

2. Web

2.1. Web search

2.2. iGoogle


2.4. Google Chrome

2.5. Google Toolbar

2.6. Feedburner

2.7. Google Analtyics

2.8. Google adwords

2.9. Google keyword tool

3. Home & office

3.1. Drive

3.1.1. Google Docs

3.1.2. Google Spreadsheets

3.1.3. Google Presentations

3.1.4. Google Forms

3.2. Calendar

3.2.1. Invitation with calendar reminder

3.2.2. Shareable calendars

3.3. Gmail

3.3.1. Plugins Rapportive Boomerang

3.3.2. Filters

3.4. Sites

3.4.1. Create a simple web page

3.5. Talk

3.5.1. Live chat from website

3.5.2. SMS messaging

3.6. Translate

3.7. Voice

3.8. Google wallet

3.9. Google cloud print

4. Innovation

4.1. Fusion tables

4.2. Code

5. Media

5.1. YouTube

5.2. Books

5.3. News

5.4. Google Play

5.5. Image search

5.6. Video search

5.7. Picasa

6. Geo

6.1. Google offers

6.2. Maps

6.3. Latitude

6.4. Earth

6.5. Sketchup

6.6. Panoramio

7. Social

7.1. Google +

7.2. Groups

7.3. Reader

7.4. Blogger

7.5. Orkut

8. Specialized search

8.1. Blog search

8.2. Patent search

8.3. Finance

8.4. Alerts

8.5. Trends

8.6. Scholar

8.7. Google shopping

8.8. Custom search