Effective assessment practices

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Effective assessment practices by Mind Map: Effective assessment practices

1. approaches

1.1. self assessment

1.2. peer assessment

1.3. authenticity

1.4. critique

1.5. Feed forward / feedback

2. How

2.1. trust

2.2. multi-level

2.3. collaboration

2.4. modelling

2.5. co-construct

2.6. collaboration

2.7. reflection

2.8. type of task

2.9. measure originality?

2.9.1. contracts up front with students

2.10. non Google-able questions

3. Considerations

3.1. culture

3.2. scaffolding

3.3. ownership

3.4. infrastructure

4. purpose

4.1. learning experience

4.2. empowerment

4.3. assessment

4.4. showcase

4.5. development

5. benefits

5.1. portability

5.2. ePFs now being accepted by NCEA

6. drawbacks

6.1. bringing other teachers on board

6.1.1. evidence of ePf in action

6.1.2. time

6.1.3. skills