Car Purchase

hi i am Santhosh i want to share my prearity i go for consuming fuel and it should be comfortable.

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Car Purchase by Mind Map: Car Purchase

1. Maruti

1.1. M-vista

1.1.1. 3.5 lak

1.1.2. small

1.2. M-awift

1.2.1. confortable

2. suzuki

2.1. S-zual

2.1.1. good performance

2.1.2. good mile


3.1. nonu

3.1.1. 1-lak

3.2. indica

3.2.1. it as good mile

4. mahindra

4.1. scorpio

4.1.1. very confortable

4.2. safari

4.2.1. race car

4.2.2. 15-lak

5. New node