Chapter 6 : Out put

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Chapter 6 : Out put by Mind Map: Chapter 6 : Out put

1. Printers

1.1. -Producing Printed Output

1.2. -Nonimpact Printers

1.3. -Ink-Jet Printers

1.4. -Photo Printers

1.5. -Laser Printers

1.6. -Multifunction Perifirals

1.7. -Thermal Printers

1.8. -Mobile Printers

1.9. -Label and Postage Printers

1.10. -Plotters and Large-Format Printers

1.11. -Impact Printers

2. Other output devices

2.1. -Data Projectors

2.2. -Ineractive Whiteboards

2.3. -Force-Feedback Game Controllers and Tactile Output

3. Output devices for physically challenged users

4. Companies on the cutting edge

4.1. -HP

4.2. -Samsung Electronics

5. Display devices

5.1. -LCD monitors and LCD screens

5.2. -LCD Technology

5.3. -LCD Quality

5.4. -Graphics Chips, Port, and LCD monitors

5.5. -Plasma monitors

5.6. -Televisions

5.7. -CRT monitors

6. Speakers, Headphones, and Earbuds

7. Putting it all together

8. Chapter Summary

9. High-Tech Talk

9.1. -3D Graphics: Creating a Realistic Experience

10. Technology trailbrazers

10.1. -Steve Jobs

10.2. -Anne Mulcahy