Game-Based Learning

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Game-Based Learning by Mind Map: Game-Based Learning

1. Defination

1.1. Use of games to learn

1.2. usage of storyline to engage learners

1.3. usage of points/scores/rewards to motivate learning

2. Types

2.1. Video Games

2.2. Board Games

2.2.1. Monopoly

2.3. Sports Games

2.4. Card Games

2.5. Others

3. How does it promote learning?

3.1. element of fun

3.2. non threatening environment

3.3. peer motivation/pressure

3.4. learn from mistakes

3.5. Active participation and interaction

4. Examples of Classroom Usage

4.1. Who wants to be a millionaire?

4.1.1. test knowledge

4.1.2. rewards inform of tokens or activities

4.2. charade

4.2.1. test knowledge

4.2.2. points/rewards

4.3. online Games

4.3.1. New node