Stuck? Jump-The-System back into the "Therapeutic Window"

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Stuck? Jump-The-System back into the "Therapeutic Window" by Mind Map: Stuck? Jump-The-System  back into the "Therapeutic Window"

1. Feelings

1.1. Sensations

1.1.1. "Where do you feel it in your body?"

1.2. Intensity

1.2.1. staying with scaling

1.2.2. focusing on

1.2.3. distancing / distraction

1.3. Emotional Words & Phrases

1.3.1. naming stated & unstated

1.3.2. validating

1.3.3. meaning vertical reflection

2. Thinking

2.1. Triggers

2.1.1. precipitating events

2.2. Self-talk

2.2.1. "what do you say to yourself?"

2.3. Faulty Thinking

2.3.1. exploring / challenging

3. Behaviour

3.1. "What do you do?"

3.2. Impact

3.2.1. "How does your behaviour affect you?"

3.2.2. "how does it affect other people?"

4. Personal Qualities

4.1. identify (e.g. tenaciousness)

4.2. Affirming

4.3. Developing context

5. Non-Verbal

5.1. attending to

5.2. reflecting

5.3. inconsistencies

6. Social connections

6.1. family, friends, community

7. Call Management

7.1. directing into the Therapeutic Window

7.2. managing obsessive use

7.2.1. calls per day

7.2.2. duration of call

8. Building Relationship

8.1. being real

8.2. being with

8.3. connection

9. getting stuck here?

9.1. The Story

9.1.1. implicit emotion

9.1.2. people, events

9.1.3. repeating the story again and again

10. Reflect The Process

10.1. What has been happening during the call?

10.2. Reflect your process

10.2.1. "I'm feeling stuck at the moment I'm wondering if you are too"

10.3. Connecting parts of the caller's process

11. Psycho-Education

11.1. Grief process

11.2. Self-care/supports vs challenges

11.3. Cycles of action & rest/integration

12. Exceptions

12.1. When isn't the problem as apparent?

13. Managing Distance

13.1. Big Picture Skills

13.1.1. Summaring

13.1.2. Reframing ownership - separating 'my problem' from 'others problem' healthier, compassionate perspective

13.1.3. Distraction

13.1.4. Humour

13.2. vs. Details

13.2.1. Clarifying Getting Specific Chunking down

13.2.2. see most parts of this mind-map

14. Counsellor

14.1. Qualities

14.1.1. Attentive

14.1.2. Curiosity

14.1.3. Commitment

14.1.4. Creativity

14.2. Self-care

14.2.1. What do you need now? self-soothing / self-reassurance change posture "suitcase" centering more determination or chill out ?

15. Self-Care

15.1. what helps?

15.2. self-soothing

15.3. distraction

15.4. scaling (0-10)

16. Problem Solving

16.1. Vision

16.1.1. What do you want?

16.1.2. How will this feel?

16.1.3. What do you value?

16.1.4. scaling progress (0-10)

16.2. Next Steps

16.2.1. How will you do that?

16.3. Supports

16.3.1. What will help you with this?

16.4. Blocks

16.4.1. What stops you from having it now?

17. Focusing

17.1. "What is most important?"

17.2. "What is the most painful part?"

18. Highlights

18.1. of the week

18.2. 3 Good Things (gratefulness)

19. Professional Support

19.1. GP, case worker, community agencies, support / social groups

19.2. assessment

19.3. medication

20. Decision Making

20.1. option A

20.1.1. explore adv.

20.1.2. explore disadv.

20.2. option B

20.2.1. explore adv.

20.2.2. explore disadv.