BTC (Data Analysis)


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BTC (Data Analysis) by Mind Map: BTC (Data Analysis)

1. Strategy

1.1. Mission/Vision

1.2. Priorities/Opportunities

1.2.1. What are the "THESE things get done"

1.2.2. Who sets it?

1.3. Risks

2. Product Production / Delivery

2.1. Symposiums

2.1.1. Need to track data

2.2. Circles

2.2.1. Need updated action guides

2.2.2. Need to track changes

2.2.3. Need to strengthen support

2.3. Great Turning unconference

2.3.1. Lack follow-up

3. Finance

3.1. need more $$

4. Governance & Monitoring

4.1. What to Track

4.1.1. free up Maureen?

4.2. How to Track

4.3. Board

4.3.1. Identity, roles/responsibilities need autonomy apart from Maureen need to clarify expectations

4.3.2. Cycle

5. Process

5.1. Guiding Principles - Way to Do Things

5.1.1. Communication Internal of priorities regular updates/record keeping to stay connected? External - marketing

5.1.2. Decision Making Set-goals don't stick - reactive, upstaged by immediate goals

5.1.3. Tension: Flow vs. Structured Foundation

6. People Engagement / Coordination

6.1. Quantity/Volume

6.2. Skill

6.2.1. lots of ideas people, not enough detail doers

6.3. Allocation

6.3.1. need to better manage volunteers & not waste (symposium + new potentials)

6.3.2. need more leaders?

6.3.3. no one to do agreed tasks somtimes

6.4. Sustainability / Contingency

6.4.1. Reward lack celebration/sense of completion?

6.4.2. Workload "Do what you can do" Burnout

7. Technology

7.1. Information Management