Design Thinking: Creating a Pattern Language

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Design Thinking: Creating a Pattern Language by Mind Map: Design Thinking:  Creating a Pattern Language

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2. Archives

2.1. 3 Methodologies

2.1.1. Theories? What theories are they behind design thinking?

2.1.2. Design Processes

2.1.3. Tools

2.1.4. Research

2.2. Practice?

2.2.1. Design Interaction

2.2.2. Designers ie Graphic Design

2.3. Future of Design Thinking

2.3.1. Not sure why this shd be added (WL)

2.4. Impact of Culture?

2.4.1. LA countries

2.4.2. Asian Countries

2.4.3. NA countries

2.4.4. Europe, etc

2.5. Educational Design

2.5.1. Curriculum

2.5.2. Pedagogical Philosophy

2.5.3. Pedagogical Strategy

2.5.4. Pedagogical Tactics

2.5.5. Case Studies

2.5.6. Tasks

2.5.7. Assessment

2.5.8. Resources

2.6. Education & Training in Design Thinking

2.6.1. Organisations and Workplaces

2.6.2. Special needs

2.6.3. Inner city kids

2.6.4. K-12

2.6.5. University

2.7. Discipline?

2.7.1. Business

2.7.2. Services

2.7.3. Education

2.7.4. Engineering

2.7.5. Others

2.7.6. Need 2 distinguish more clearly between discipline/sector or is there overlap

2.8. Sectors?

2.8.1. Public Sector

2.8.2. Services Sector

2.8.3. Experience Design

2.8.4. Education Sector

2.8.5. Social Design

2.8.6. Consulting

2.8.7. Service Design?? Is this part of other sectors or stand alone node? (WL)

2.9. Service Design

3. Thoughts on Patterns of Design Thinking

3.1. Creation Matters

3.1.1. Creative Strand Designerly thinking

3.1.2. Logical Strand Integration Methods Integrative Thinking

3.1.3. Empathic Strand Method for Understanding Humans in a setting Method for outlining relationships

3.2. User Matters

3.2.1. Implementing creating thinking to innovate process

3.2.2. Cross pollination of process or theory

3.2.3. Innovation Strategy The mechanisms that lead to an understanding of how to make change with design

3.2.4. Changemaking

3.3. Outcome Matters

3.3.1. Industry Shift Patterns

3.3.2. New Market patterns

4. What would be an equivalent in design thinking to be reflected in a pattern language?

5. Alexander's pattern language started at the township level and goes all the way to micro level of a house and rooms, etc

6. Pattern Language for Communication revolution -