LCL Mind Map

Big Picture of Activities, Projects, Next actions!

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LCL Mind Map by Mind Map: LCL Mind Map

1. My Geistesblitzes

1.1. Check out

1.2. do we need keywords?

1.3. swot on microlab

1.4. Dave hampton

1.5. Mitchell

1.6. Suresh

1.7. Photos

1.8. Do something!

2. Next Actions In Rough Order

2.1. call UnLtd Level 1 mentor

2.2. do plan for Workshop advertising

2.3. Email Simone -- one of process design team to update where we are

2.4. Introduce Dot about business cards

2.5. respond to sarah at -- online book keeping

2.6. Define next communication effort to Phoebe, Nathan, Smari and maybe Michel too

2.7. put business plan online

2.8. invite core call convenors for process design call

2.9. invite mentors! - various mentors into LCL

2.10. Make decision on Radical Inclusion webinar - what to do?!

2.11. set up newsletter - transfer from turnupthecourage list to londoncreativelabs list

2.12. set up google group - gradually invite everyone who might want to be active to a google group - start with active people!

2.13. email Sam from Brixton market - lovely lady I met who is interested in LCL

2.14. Call up Sydney -- mentor who offered to sponsor online bookkeeping

2.15. Make list of things only Sofia can do

2.16. Contact UEL student to suggest follow-on

2.17. Ask Scott for sponsorship

2.18. BremleyEmails

2.19. AleX Nick postal address

3. Next general LCL actions - roughly in order

3.1. Create a clear pitch for LCL

3.2. Make business plan budget in excel

3.3. Laminate Sofias drawings

3.4. visit workshop venue

3.5. Add Mette's profile

3.6. Add Sofia's profile

3.7. Add Mamading's profile

3.8. Add David's profile

3.9. Add Gladius' profile

3.10. Add David Durkee's profile

3.11. Add Irene's profile

3.12. Add Tav's profile

3.13. Do Game Plan together -A3 overall one -- Friday after personal evaluations?

3.14. Set up non-work thing :-)

4. Mette's Next Actions - roughly in order

4.1. Create frame for next flyer

4.2. Organize contacts in Highrise

4.3. TENT session 2 with David

4.4. Ideas for visual pitch map

5. Thurs

5.1. U-process step-through

5.2. "finish" something for the blog

5.3. 9th December thinking pre-Hannah

5.4. set up newsletter

6. Welcome again!

6.1. We hope you'll have fun with MindMeister ...

6.2. Get started now!

6.3. ... and some great ideas too!

7. Get started!

7.1. Use toolbar to add ideas

7.2. Key shortcuts

7.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

7.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

7.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

7.2.4. DEL to delete

7.2.5. All key shortcuts

7.3. Drag & Drop and double-click canvas

7.4. Find out more?

7.4.1. Online Help

7.4.2. Use Cases & Templates Personal Todo List Vacation Planning Meeting Minutes Project Plan more...

7.4.3. Tools and Gadgets Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Compare Editions

8. Ideas for blog articles ...

8.1. Brac and LCL

8.2. UEL and LCL

8.3. Workshop on 28th

8.4. Principles of how we work at LCL

9. Projects

9.1. Define Microlabs

9.2. Work on LCL homepage

9.2.1. Shift to Squarespace

9.2.2. Make front page more light

9.2.3. Emphasize the vision

9.2.4. Link to movie

9.2.5. Add personal profiles of the team?

9.2.6. A discussion forum

9.3. Create a clear pitch for LCL

9.3.1. Test it on audience

9.3.2. A visual pitch map?

9.3.3. Find 3 key points that people will remember

9.4. Create hand flyers

9.5. Business cards

9.5.1. Design by Dot

9.5.2. Print at East London University

9.6. Define the LCL team

9.7. Pilot workshop

9.7.1. Flyer with pitch

9.7.2. Invite East London University students

9.8. Fund-raising

9.8.1. Ask for smaller amounts

9.9. 28th Oct workshop

9.9.1. advertise

9.9.2. prepare logistics

10. timeline

10.1. oct 28th workshop

10.2. nov 3rd + 4th workshop in Manchester

10.3. nov 9th Change Lab

10.4. nov 16th/23rd/30th Half-Day Session UEL

10.5. nov 27th Change Lab

10.6. Dec 1st/2nd 2-day Lab