Introduction Accounting

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Introduction Accounting by Mind Map: Introduction Accounting

1. Why Accounting?

2. What Acc.St. exist.

2.1. SFAS No. 69

2.1.1. Proved O&G reserve quantities

2.1.2. Capitalized costs relationg to O&G prod.

2.1.3. Costs incurred or A,E,D

2.1.4. Results of operations Reserve disclosures Value based DCF changes in DCF non-value based proved&probable

2.1.5. future net cash flow

2.2. 2001 Sorp(exc. reserve value)

3. Specific in O&G

3.1. Contracts

3.1.1. Lease

3.1.2. Concessions

3.1.3. PSA

3.1.4. risk service agreements

3.2. Minerals rights

3.2.1. US often individuals

3.2.2. Normaly government ownes rights

4. Who needs Financial Statments?

5. Methoden

5.1. SE

5.2. FC

5.3. Overview Pro/Cons