Get Rid of E-mail

Some notes taken during the Get Rid of E-mail session at the 2007 NEIT unconference

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Get Rid of E-mail by Mind Map: Get Rid of E-mail

1. 50% of e-mail is misinterpreted

2. deleting e-mails

2.1. post links on Intranet

2.2. use

2.3. careful - have to legally keep some

2.4. limit space

2.5. yearly delete

3. how do we cut down e-mail?

3.1. use the right tool for the job

3.2. no meeting reminders

3.3. don't set up meetings in e-mail

3.3.1. use

3.4. only e-mail when things are completed

3.5. no thank you e-mails

3.6. use helpful sujects to people don't have to open

3.7. don't use it to avoid work/be lazy

3.8. NRN - no response necessary

3.9. when there's a better tool - use it

3.10. e-mail hours? - not after 6?

3.11. no thank you e-mails

3.12. Kerri's 3 volley rule

3.12.1. once it goes back and forth thrice find them

3.13. let people know what's appropriate

3.13.1. "wit and wisdom" conference

3.13.2. no forwards

3.13.3. "faculty lounge"

3.13.4. BFS - monthly reminder on approp practice

3.14. CC

3.14.1. gets a copy, no response

3.14.2. passive aggressive

4. attachments

4.1. wean people off

4.2. wikis

4.3. Google Docs

4.4. revisioning

4.5. edit on paper?

4.6. how do you re-train users?

4.6.1. external users
