23 Things ... ongoing usefulness

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23 Things ... ongoing usefulness by Mind Map: 23 Things ... ongoing usefulness

1. workflow

1.1. creating training tools

1.1.1. flow charts

1.2. resource sharing

1.3. making use of online tools

2. collaborations

2.1. other libraries

2.1.1. sharing ideas resources

2.2. community

2.2.1. virtual library access

2.3. our patrons

2.3.1. no more 'us and them' learning together

3. creativity

3.1. wholeheartedness

3.2. fun

3.3. learning through play

3.4. discovery

4. patrons

4.1. know what they're on about

4.1.1. cred

4.2. tech support

4.3. active in making suggestions

5. Professional Development

5.1. transferable skills

5.2. innovation

5.3. 'up to date'