H800 Technology Enhanced Learning: practices and debates

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H800 Technology Enhanced Learning: practices and debates by Mind Map: H800 Technology Enhanced Learning: practices and debates

1. B1 Wk1 Learning Technologies

1.1. A3 Arrival of Print

1.2. A4 Generationsof Info seekrs

1.3. A5 Net Generation Kennedy

1.4. A6 Google Generation Prensky

1.5. A8a Formal learning

1.6. A8b Informal learning

1.7. A9 Learning and Teaching with technology

2. B1 Wk2 Learning and Participation

2.1. A1 Participate we are Brown

2.2. A2 Citizen Science journalism

2.3. A3 Institutions and training

2.4. A5 Teaching on bb

2.5. A6 Radio on move

2.6. A7 Radio in classroom

2.7. A8a Aduio case studies

2.8. A8b Reflections on audio

2.9. A9 Brazil policy

3. B1 Wk3 Voice/image/text, meaphors

3.1. A2 Sfard AM PM metaphors

3.2. A3 Identity in cyberspace

3.3. A5 Vicarious learning

4. B1 Wk4 Social Learning

4.1. A1 Defining learning

4.2. A2 Conition culture of learning Brown

4.3. A4 Expansive learning theory Engstrom

4.4. A5 Social view of learning

5. B1 Wk5 Media and forms of representation

5.1. A1 Forms of representations Saloman

5.2. A2 New about technology McLuhan

5.3. A3 Web 2.0

5.4. A4 Machine is using us

5.5. A5 Comparing Web 2.0

5.6. A6 Social networks

6. B3 Wk 17 Technology imagined negative futures

6.1. A1a What kind of vision Welch video

6.2. A1b Digital diploma mills Noble

6.3. A2 Students frustrations Hara and Kling 1999

6.4. A3 Thinking about the Issues

6.5. A4 Oversold and underused, Cuban 2001

6.6. A5 Drawing the threads together

6.7. A6 Administering knowledge, Brabazon 2001

6.8. A7 The University of Google, Brabazon 2007

7. B3 Wk 18 Web 2.0 Ed 2.0

7.1. A1 Challenge for Ed Institutions

7.2. A2 Researchers Perspective

7.2.1. TLRP-TEL 2008

7.3. A3 Observatory Report

7.3.1. Franklin and van Harmelen

7.4. A4 Delicious

7.5. A5 RSS Google Reader

7.6. A6 Social Networking

8. B3 Wk 19 Mobile devices Web 2.0

8.1. A1,2,3, Using Mobiles

8.2. A4 Mobile Ownership in formal learning Pettit Kukulska-Hulme

8.3. A7 Smartphone

8.4. A8 Theory mobile learning

9. B3 Wk 21-22 Future trends

9.1. A1 Catalytic trends - Conole

9.2. A2 VLE PLE debate

9.3. A3 Broader perspectives

9.3.1. Horizon

9.3.2. Becta

9.3.3. National Science Foundation

10. B3 Wk 23 Metaphors Meaning

10.1. A1 Collaborative wiki on terms

10.2. A2 making sense of complexity Conole

10.3. A3 Own learning environment PLE

10.4. A4 New pedagogies Ariadne by Conole

10.5. A5,6 Network metaphor

10.6. A7 Mycorrhizae and wild fires metaphor Engestrom

11. B2 Wk7 Multiple Perspectives

11.1. A3 what is means to learn

11.2. A5 News of innovations

11.3. A6 searching Youtube

11.4. A7 Interpersonal action learning cycle

11.5. A9 Collaborative discussion

11.6. A10 Interpesonal action learning Sfard knowledge vs participation

12. B2 Wk8-9 Content, Design and Learner Experience, Learning Design

12.1. A1 Strategies for learning Design

12.2. A2 Overview of LD Beetham

12.3. A3 Visualizing LD

12.4. A4 Finding and sharing resources Cloudworks, 7 things you should know

12.5. A5 Mapping digital media to four facets of learning

12.6. A6 Mapping tools and activities

12.7. A7 Learning centred view LMS

12.8. A8 Comparing different LDs

12.9. A9 Representing designs Conole Mediating artefacts in LD

12.10. A10 Phoebe and LPP

12.11. A11 Cloudworks flashdebate OLPC

13. B2 Wk10 Who's teaching, Who's Learning

13.1. A1 wikipedia editing Baker

13.2. A2 Alternative to wikipedia

13.3. A3 Storing and sharing online delicious

13.4. A4 Finding info online

13.5. A5 Blogs Mitchell

13.6. A6 OER

13.7. A7 Explore OER

13.8. A8 Repurpose OER OpenLearn

14. B2 Wk11 Debates on Elearning

14.1. A1 Debates on technology and quality of education

14.2. A2 global digital divide

14.3. A3 Aspects of quality and learning

14.4. A4 Costs of elearning

15. B2 Wk12 Students approaches to learning and teachers approaches to teaching

15.1. A1 Rhetoric review Wk 1

15.2. A2 Review Richardson 05 Elluminate

15.3. A3 f2f vs online learning Price et al

15.4. A4 f2f vs online learning Richardson 09

15.5. A5 Technology in my context

16. B2 Wk 13-14 Listening to Student Voice

16.1. A1 Learner experience

16.2. A2 Methodological issues exploring learner experience

16.3. A3 Learner experience case-studies

16.4. A4 Critical view of Net Generation

17. B3 Wk 24 Contexts and practices with technology

17.1. A1 Practices with technology - Tech mediated learning contexts implications for practitioners. Limited and necessity of design

17.2. A2 Jones and Asensio

17.3. A3 Learning architectures

17.4. A4 Design for learning

17.5. A5 Using media to study The Media

17.6. A6 Drawing information learning into education

17.7. A7 The Elluminate session

17.8. A8 Practitioners and models of pedagogy

17.9. A9 Aligning your own practice with a model

18. B3 Wk 25 Are practitioners' roles changing?

18.1. A1 Guide on side

18.2. A2 Mix right? Learner support and effectiveness, Interaction in Virtual worlds

18.3. A3 Virtuality worlds and identity

18.4. A4 Activity theory and Second Life

18.5. A5 Virtuality rules?