The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an investigation project jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

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HAARP by Mind Map: HAARP

1. Patents

1.1. Missile shield

1.2. Communications control

1.3. Weather control

1.4. Magnetospheric distortion

2. Ionosphere

2.1. Auroral ElectroJet (0.1-100 million gigwatt)

2.2. Enormous energy (50-300km outward)

3. Possible Incidences

3.1. Space Shuttle disasters

3.2. Hurricane Katrina

3.3. Earthquakes & Tsunamies

3.3.1. China

3.3.2. Kobe, Japan

3.3.3. Sumatra

3.3.4. Black Sea (2007)

3.3.5. Niigata (2007)

3.4. Myanmar cyclone

3.5. The Drauper roque wave

3.6. Assassination of dissidents

4. Related Technologies

4.1. Chemtrails

4.2. SHIVA

4.3. Beam weapons

4.4. Radio-Frequency Mindcontrol

4.5. SDI / Star Wars programmes

4.6. Scalar electromagnetic weapons

4.7. Tesla 'earthquake machine'

5. Applications

5.1. Subsurface exploration

5.2. Subsurface communication

5.3. Satellite/space communications

5.4. Warfare

5.4.1. Tectonic events, earthquake machine

5.4.2. Space warfare, satellite disruption

5.4.3. Satellite disruption

5.4.4. Missing shield

5.4.5. Roque Wave generation

5.4.6. Geophysical warfare

5.5. Population control

5.5.1. Mind control device

5.6. Climate control

5.7. Wireless energy transfer

5.8. Communications command-and-control

5.9. Very Low Frequency (VLF) Tomography

5.10. VLF communication

5.11. Ionospheric research

5.12. Massive Lightning generator

5.13. Pushing atmosphere outwards

5.14. Weather control

5.15. Magnetospheric research

5.16. Radio-wave reflection

5.17. Optival/Infrared (IR) blanking of satellite views

5.18. Gravity wave generation

6. Dangers

6.1. Energy disturbance earth-scale

6.2. Energy disturbance humans

6.3. Cancer, DNA damage, mutagenic damage, etc.

6.4. Irrepairable holes in Earth's atmophere

7. Healing frequencies (beneficial)

8. Users

8.1. U.S. Navy

8.2. 18 Universities

8.3. U.S. Air Force

8.4. Raytheon Corp.

9. Indicators

9.1. Rise of tidal levels

9.2. Abnormal weather patterns

9.3. Aurora-like lights

9.4. Roque waves