The Internet and World Wide Web

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The Internet and World Wide Web by Mind Map: The Internet and World Wide Web

1. E-Commerce

1.1. Business to consumer

1.2. Business to business

1.3. Cansumer to cansumer

2. The World Wide Web

2.1. Web 2.0 programs

2.2. Two types of search tool and Subject

2.2.1. Search engine

2.2.2. Subject directory

2.2.3. Images Videos Audio News Maps People or Businesses Blogs

2.3. Multimedia

2.3.1. Graphics

2.3.2. Animation

2.3.3. Audio

2.3.4. Vidro

2.3.5. Virtual Reality

2.4. Web publishiy

2.4.1. Plan a Weitebs

2.4.2. Anuly ze and design a web site

2.4.3. Create a web site

2.4.4. Deploy

2.4.5. Maintain

2.5. E-commerce

2.5.1. business to consom

2.5.2. business to ousiness

2.5.3. consumer to consumer

3. Evolution of The Internet

3.1. (1960) ARPANET becames functianal

3.2. (1984) ARPANET has mor than 1,000 individual , computers linked

3.3. (1986) NSF connects NSF net to ARPANET and becomes know as the internat

3.4. (1995) NSFNET terminatus an the internet and resumes status as reserrck network

3.5. (1996) Internet s is founded

3.6. today More than 550 millian hosts connect to internet

4. Other Internet Services

4.1. E-mail

4.2. Chat

4.3. FTP

4.4. Message

4.5. News