Islamic View of the Soul

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Islamic View of the Soul by Mind Map: Islamic View of the Soul

1. Existance of the Soul

1.1. Muslim Philosophers

1.1.1. New node

1.2. The soul is the source of acts performed by the will

2. Nature of the Soul

2.1. Greek philosophy influenced Muslim philosophers' concept of nature of the soul

2.2. The Human Soul

2.2.1. Primary perfection

2.2.2. Secondary perfection

3. Rational Soul

3.1. Material Intellect: A blank slate that accepts matter such as universals

3.2. Habitual Intellect: The ability to acquire universals; the ability to use the universals, however does not always do so

3.2.1. New node

3.3. Actual Intellect: Grasps them in actuality, and is ready to use them

3.4. Acquired Intellect: The highest human state; point of contact with the divine

4. Objectives of the Soul

4.1. Alfarabi

4.2. Even though the soul has different parts, it has a unity with all its parts working for one final purpose, which is happiness